Popular video game trailer hub GameTrailers recently announced that it's closing after 13 years of service to the gaming community. According to Kotaku, one of the reasons why the popular trailer site is closing is the emergence of other competitors that have taken center stage.

GameTrailers' founder Brandon Jones announced on his Twitter account the closing of the site saying, "Today is the last day of Game Trailers. I wish it wasn't so. I love all of our fans like family. Thank you for letting me do this job."

Another Twitter post by the website's official page said, "After 13 years, Game Trailers is closing down today. Thank you for your continued support over the years. It has been an adventure."

More than a decade ago, GameTrailers made way for a new innovation in advertising the latest video game trailers by putting up their own video channel. Gamers who wish to see the latest of their favorite video games can turn to GameTrailers and watch the trailer there. Today, you can see almost every video on platforms capable of hosting this type of media.

GameTrailers (GT), according to the OVGuide, was founded by Brandon Jones and Geoff Grotz. Hornet Animation Inc., headed by Jon Slusser, was an investor of GT during its starting season. Jon eventually became the CEO of the company. MTV in 2005 however, acquired the said media platform. Since then, GameTrailer was merged with Spike Digital Entertainment until it was again sold to Defy media.

During GameTrailers' time in Defy Media, most of the members of its senior team were laid off until it came to the point where it was best to close down the media platform. GameTrailers, according to Kotaku, has been an active participant in the E3 events and has been one of the media platforms that gamers normally go to for the latest video game trailers.

The GameTrailers website's last featured game has been a review about "Firewatch" and that was 43 hours ago. Prior to that, "Unravel" and "XCOM 2" were featured. The popular media platform also features news on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Wii U, PC, 3DS and Vita. Surprisingly, the website did not feature any announcement of the closure and is still accessible up to this time.