Hillary Clinton now has the support of almost 500 legal sex workers in Nevada. Brothel workers at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch in Carson City, Nevada formed a group called Hookers 4 Hillary to endorse Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination.

The Democratic Nevada caucus is on Saturday, Feb. 20, and the brothel workers will be urging Nevada residents to vote for Clinton until then.

Hookers 4 Hillary was started by the owner of Moonlite Bunny Ranch, Dennis Hof. He announced the news in a tweet in April, right after Clinton announced she would be running for president.

Brothel Workers' Big Issue: Healthcare

The workers at Hof's brothel appreciate that they are now fully covered with health insurance thanks to Obamacare, which Clinton supports. When Obamacare was signed into law, over 500 brothel workers finally were given healthcare coverage.

Clinton has long supported healthcare reform, going back to the 1990s when her husband Bill Clinton was in office. The workers believe that if any Republican becomes president, Obamacare will be repealed. Whereas, if Clinton goes to the White House, healthcare reform will be protected.

"Before the Affordable Care Act, a working girl could not get insurance because they were grouped in the same category as illegal prostitutes who had diseases or used illegal drugs," Hof said in an interview with Latin Post. "Now they can get insurance, and Hillary will help them keep it."

Healthcare is just one of the issues that Hof and the brothel workers support, Hof added. The members of Hookers 4 Hillary believe Clinton has beneficial foreign policy experience, shown support for agencies that protect the public's health, and will prevent the return of supply side economics.

Keeping Government Regulation

The group of workers at the brothel points to Nevada's mandatory testing of legal prostitutes as a successful example of government regulation. The group says government agencies, such as the Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), are necessary to help prevent the spread of diseases. The group believes a Republican president would do away with these agencies.

A Strong Economy

Economically, Hookers 4 Hillary does not want the United States to return to a supply side economic plan. They believe the wealthiest Americans should be taxed higher than those who make less. Hookers 4 Hillary believes higher taxes for the working class would lead to less business for the Bunny Ranch. Even though Hof would be taxed more, as one of America's wealthiest men, Hookers 4 Hillary believes this is the best economic policy.

"The best evidence that Hillary Clinton will help keep the economy strong is that when Bill Clinton was in office, our economy was never in better shape. I paid the most in taxes and I made the most money," Hof said. "I like the idea of when Hillary is sitting down to her bowl of Cheerios, Bill is right there by her side giving her input."

Not every brothel worker at the establishment is on board with Hookers 4 Hillary, but the majority are. Hof said he is not forcing his employees to join the group, and he will not try to convince them to vote a certain way.

There are 540 girls at Hof's brothels and he said 495 have decided to support Clinton.

A Woman in Office

"She's a woman. They like the idea of a woman in office because she will be more sensitive to their needs," Hof said. "They line up with her views on same sex marriage and abortion. Some don't like abortion, but they don't want that right taken away."

Hof added that Clinton will "absolutely be more conscious about sex trafficking."

Watch the Hookers 4 Hillary video: