The filming of the eighth and latest season of BBC's "Doctor Who" started on Jan. 6, 2014. It is expected to be released starting in the late summer or early autumn in 13 episodes. Peter Capaldi will play the role of The Doctor for this season. His companion, Clara Oswald, will be played by Jenna Coleman.

Part way through the series, writer and showrunner Steven Moffat will be adding a new recurring friendly character and occasional companion, Danny Pink, to be played by Samuel Anderson. Danny Pink will, like Clara, be a teacher at the Coal Hill School, but beyond that his role is ambiguous, reports Screen Rant.

The Episodes Spoilers

First episode is directed by Ben Wheatley and written by Moffat. The setting is in Victorian London. Capaldi, the Doctor, is older, more ferocious and complicated. Matt Smith, the 11th Doctor, is featured in a cameo role. Returning characters include the Paternoster Gang, Jack the Ripper and Clockwork Droids.

Second episode is written by Phil Ford and directed by Wheatley. Otherwise, little is known.

Third episode will have a Robin Hood theme. Robin Hood is played by Tom Riley and Ben Miller will play the Sheriff of Nottingham. Robot knights are rumored to be featured in this episode written by Mark Gatiss; Paul Murphy directs.

Fourth episode will feature Samuel Anderson as Danny Pink joining the cast as they stumble upon a Minotaur-like monster. Directed by Douglas Mackinnon and written by Moffat.

Fifth episode will see the Doctor and Clara land on an odd and mystifying planet, where they meet a recurring character named Ms. Delphox. The episode is directed by Douglas Mackinnon and written by Steve Thompson.

Nothing is known for sure yet about the sixth through 13th episodes, although there is speculation that one of them may be the annual Christmas special, according to Doctor Who TV.