There is no real formula to becoming a millionaire, but there are definitely steps that can be taken to improve one's professional status. This Easter weekend, consider these 10 steps if you've got millions on your mind.

1. Master Your Craft

No matter what area you want to master, it is important to think of working on your craft. If you are not working tirelessly to make yourself better at your chosen profession, then you will lose all progress. Becoming a true master of your craft requires you develop skills over many years.

For example, an instrumentalist like Yo Yo Ma had to work hard for many years in order to become the best cellist in the world. He trained for hours and hours every day to get to where he is now. Truly committing to mastering your craft means things like time, interruptions and even limitations can never be issues.

2. Exercising

It is important to be mentally healthy to be successful, but you cannot be mentally healthy if your body is not in shape too. That is why it is important to exercise. Stress is relieved through working out. A stronger body also makes you more active and incredibly resistant to the pressures of hard work.

Set new goals during Easter weekend and find a routine that will allow you to work out. It can be at a gym, outside or even in the comfort of your home.

3. Read Every Day

Education is always important, but it's sometimes taken for granted. However, the world is changing quickly, and with new technology coming out everyday, one has to learn continuously to stay up to date. Reading is important to stay educated. Who knows what you may read that you can use in the future?

4. Never Stop Learning

To the same end as reading, it is crucial to never stop learning generally. Train yourself to do something new everyday and always open up at least a few hours each week to take calls with mentors in your profession or study relevant online webinars.

5. Planning

It's important to be spontaneous because something interesting could happen that is unexpected. However, these moments could never happen if you do not plan. It is important to plan long term, short term, daily, monthly and weekly in order to accomplish goals.

For example, no matter how many great stars a production features, unless time is taken to plan and rehearse, great performances will never occur.

6. Setting Goals

It is important to set goals to measure progress and have something to shoot for. It can especially help to write down daily goals, weekly goals and monthly goals. In the same way, it is important to have long term goals.

Think of a company that has both a vision statement and a mission statement. One represents immediate goals, while the other sets the long term mission that the company hopes to achieve. While on Easter break, set new goals to lead to great outcomes in the future.

7. Wake up Early

Many people constantly complain about lacking enough time. In order to avoid that complaint, waking up earlier is always a solution.

Successful people never complain about the lack of time. They simply find ways to avoid that excuse. Peter Shankman of The Greek Factory wakes up every day at 4:25 a.m. to get the most out of his day.

8. Keep a Journal

It is always important to reflect upon a day or week of work. Keep a journal that will allow for reflection to see where improvements can be made. This will not only help the improvement process, but will allow you to grow as a person and as a leader.

9. Relax

Even with so much hard work, it is important to find time to relax the mind and focus on other things outside of business and making money. Free time can be used for keeping that journal or even reflecting upon past mistakes and ways to solve issues.

10. Stay Frugal

Even when you get those millions, it is important to spend money in the right places. One can have millions one day and five dollars the next. Plan the ways you spend money and never be satisfied with what you have already obtained.