On Monday, the hosts of MSNBC's "Way Too Early" offended many Latinos with its Cinco de Mayo celebration. Now, the hosts are saying Cinco de My Bad.

On Monday's episode of the morning show, Louis Burgdorf, "Cooler Correspondent," donned a sombrero and took a shot of implied tequila. Eventually, host Thomas Roberts joined in on the "fun" and danced around with maracas. You can check out the debacle here.

Latin Post joined Latinos in questioning "Way Too Early's" interpretation of the holiday.

"#CincoDeMayo Don't: @msnbc Celebrates By Drinking Tequila While Wearing Sombreros. Seriously?" Latin Post tweeted.

Latin Post wasn't the only one to publicly raise an eyebrow, and as a result, Roberts apologized today.

"On Monday, Cinco De Mayo, ‘Way Too Early' made sarcastic references to the way some Americans celebrate the holiday," he said on the show. "It was not our intention to be disrespectful, and we sincerely apologize for the ill-advised references."

Roberts and Burgdorf also both took time to pardon themselves individually.

"After 20 years in the business, anyone who knows me knows where I stand on diversity and inclusion," Roberts continued. "So those I let down or feel betrayed, I hear you, and I'm sorry."

"I wanted to express my sincere apologies as well," Burgdorf added with a sad expression on his face. "It was never my intention to offend anyone, so if I did, and I know I did, I'm sorry."

Hugo Balta, president of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists, spoke to Latin Post Tuesday about why the show made him feel both "outrage" and "extreme disappointment." He also revealed that Alex Korson, MSNBC executive producer, issued him an apology and explanation for the episode.

"This should not be indicative of what MSNBC does in championing diversity, but this incident has marred their efforts," Balta told Latin Post.

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