Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by six points in a new New York Times/CBS national poll of registered voters.

Pollsters also found Clinton supporters are now "pumping millions of dollars into key battleground states" that stand to benefit the democratic front-runner and her party's overall effort to retake control of the Senate.

"The money is being raised by Clinton's campaign through her Hillary Victory Fund, a joint fundraising committee that allows Clinton to raise large checks of more than $350,000 from wealthy donors," sources added.

Poll Shows GOP Supporters More Behind Trump

Meanwhile, surveyors also found Republican voters have started to coalesce behind Trump, recently declared as the party's official presumptive nominee.

Data shows eight in 10 GOP voters now insist party leaders should rally behind Trump, even if they disagree with him on important issues that have defined the election season such as the issue of immigration.

If elected, Trump has vowed to deport millions of immigrants and build a wall along the Mexican border to further keep them out. By contrast, both Clinton and remaining Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders have both pledged allegiance to a path of immigration reform.

Clinton blasts Trump over 'Divisive' Rhetoric

In a recent CNN interview, Clinton blasted Trump over all his feisty rhetoric, labeling him "divisive," dangerous, unmoored" and not qualified to be commander in chief.

In launching her attack, the former Secretary of State also pointed to Trump's recent attack on British politicians, his willingness to converse with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and his call for the U.S. to walk away from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

"I know how hard this job is, and I know that we need steadiness as well as strength and smarts in it, and I have concluded he is not qualified to be president of the United States," Clinton said.