'Last Week Tonight' Host John Oliver Implores Americans to Stand up to NRA After Orlando Shooting [WATCH]
"Last Week Tonight" host John Oliver is imploring Americans every where to stand up to the National Rifle Association.
Just days after one of the worse mass shootings in U.S. history claimed the lives of 49 people at an Orlando gay nightclub, the HBO host lamented the overburdening prevalence of firearms in our society. ...
"Here we are again after another mass shooting with weak legislation doomed to failure," he said. "And there is clearly a disconnect between public opinion, which favors to varying degrees a number of different gun control measures, and any practical action in Washington. And it is pretty clear what is standing between those two things: and it's the National Rifle Association."
Oliver Blast NRA Over no Control Stance
During his lengthy rant, Oliver took exception with the NRA's stance of no gun control, which has empowered and channeled its members - and even found its way into Washington.
"It's a lot easier to drum up support when you're just flatly against something," he said. "There is a reason that TLC insisted on 'No Scrubs,' and not the implementation of a national registry of potential scrubs, a.k.a. 'Bustas,' that would screen for scrub-like tendencies, or affiliations with known scrubs. They knew 'No Scrubs' is a lot catchier."
Later, Oliver made light of his assertion that there are more members of Planet Fitness than the NRA, but added NRA members "are highly motivated and can be mobilized quickly."
"The hard truth is, NRA members seem to care more consistently about preventing gun control than most of us do about passing it," he added. "Because while you might be focused on gun control now, they were focused on it two weeks before Orlando, and they'll still be focused on it two weeks from now."
Host Calls for Action
Oliver lectured his audience that the act of calling a local representative to push for more control would be a good start, but insisted plenty more needs to be done.
"And if or when a proposal you like is on the table, you're going to have to make all those calls again, because remember: it doesn't take much to outnumber the NRA," he said. "Planet Fitness members outnumber them. But it is time for us to learn what those members haven't: if you're going to see serious changes, you actually have to show up every f-ing day."
Authorities have fingered Omar Mateen as the shooter in the deadly Florida shooting at Pulse nightclub. Several witnesses have told investigators they had spotted Mateen at the club on numerous occasions before the night of the massacre.
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