During 2014, "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" was a blockbuster hit. However, the second installment of the franchise was not up to par that the producer of the films suggested there may not be a "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3" soon.

One of the franchise producers, Andrew Form, acknowledged that the second film was a flop. As reported by Collider, he revealed that the production team was not expecting the results of the second film especially when it was showcased at the Super Bowl event.

After he acknowledged the failure of the second film compared to the success the first installment experienced, Form revealed that there may not be a third installment although that may not be a definite fact as another Turtles movie could still be possible.

As reported by Movie Pilot, the first movie was able to earn a solid $493 million worldwide - almost five times larger than its original $125 million budget. When it released in theaters, it garnered $65 million in the US alone. With the results of sales, it was considered a success.

At present, Form and co-producer of the franchise, Brad Fuller, are about to release their latest movie entitled "Ouija: Origin of Evil." When both were asked about the third installment possibility, they both agreed that it was a shock for them that the second one did not find the audience turnout that they had hoped. In fact, they manifested that the flop signaled a halt for the franchise. They also revealed that they had no idea why such results were the outcome as the first one was such a huge success.

With the lack of audience impact, there may not be a "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3" movie. However, producers Andrew Form and Ben Fuller did not bar possibilities of another Turtle film which may still be made in the future.