President-elect Donald Trump's main platform during his campaign was to put up a wall that would separate Mexico from the United States. It was reported that the infrastructure has actually been designed for the Republican - the 3.14 Studio in Guadalajara has been set as the architectural layout of the project.

Hassanaly Ladha, a Muslim professor of French Language Studies and French Literature at the University of Connecticut, was anxious about Trump's triumph. The professor suggested to 3.14 Studio creative director Leonardo Diaz Borioli that the wall he had designed was a wall that would be a dungeon, according to Fox News Latino.

In an interview with EFE, Diaz Borioli, a doctor of History and Critical Theory of Architecture, as well as Art and Planning at Princeton University, stressed out that from the beginning of humanity, architecture has been an integral part of the service of power. However, in the president-elect's situation, the wall signifies tyranny.

Borioli further added that every dictator had a master builder to fulfill his great ideas. Just like Hitler who had Albert Speer who had helped him realized the Germania project. Speer had worked with the Hitler, the Nazi Party leader who aimed to remodel Berlin for it to be equally great to the cities of Europe, 3 miles away.

Moreover, the creative director had taken the idea of Professor Ladha. Thus, they have made up a team of six scholar students. The scholars from three universities were architects, urban planners and interior designers. The group would collaborate together and would create the design for the stately wall of Trump, with a Mexican accent.

In addition, Borioli iterated that the President-elect Trump had never asked that the wall must have a prison. However, the designers have decided to feature a mimicry of two different public policies in one: the wall and the expatriation of the 11 million unreported immigrants in the U.S.

The creative designer has described the size of the wall. He said that the great pink wall profile has an extension of 1,954 miles and is 330 feet thick and four stories high.

The wall would be crossing Mexico from the Pacific to the Gulf of Mexico. Thus, it would pass through Tijuana and would then follow the Rio Grande, which purposely set the U.S. apart from Mexico.

It would continue further into the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. If the model itself would be studied, the one who viewed it could draw an inference that it is quite impossible and that it's beyond realism, said Borioli.

Surrealist Luis Barragan and 1960's Continuous Monument designed by Superstudio group of Italian architects were the inspiration of the great pink wall, the architect reiterated. Surrealist would always want resolve the previously contradictory conditions of dream and reality.

Diaz Borioli said that the most debauch infrastructure ever constructed would be the Trump wall. It would be perceived as such for it is different from concentration camps, since it was made known to the public prior to the election of a democratic country. However people have opted to vote for it, Politico Hispano cited.

It has been anticipated that the prison wall hold a total of 17 million people - 11 million undocumented immigrants to the United States and 6 million personnel, the architect revealed.