Contrary to popular belief, "Girls" actor Adam Driver will not be playing the villian in "Star Wars: Episode VII." At least, that's the rumor now.

Instead, Driver is expected to play the son of Han Solo and Princess Leia.

For those of you upset about Driver not playing the bad guy, don't worry, it's rumored that Driver's character will be "seduced to the Dark Side, and a main plot point for the movie will be Han and Leia's attempt to rescue him," reports Moviefone.

If the rumor is true, then Driver's character's plot coincides with the news that Han Solo will be played by actor Harrison Ford as a "co-lead" instead of a main character in the upcoming film.

But remember, "Star Wars" fans, this is still just speculation.

In other news, cast member Oscar Issac described the new film as "refreshing."

"JJ and I have just been talking a lot about the character," he told Digital Spy. "His enthusiasm and his collaborative nature are so refreshing in a movie of this size."

Issac also revealed that keeping quiet about being cast in the movie was difficult.

"There was about a month where I already knew that I'd been cast, before the announcement, so it was tough to keep it under wraps," he revealed. "But you know, secrets can be fun."

And just like us, Issac loves "Star Wars."

"I was a huge 'Star Wars' fan growing up -- my family collects the toys, and we had 'Star Wars' parties where everyone would dress up as their favorite character."

The 35-year-old Guatemalan actor also revealed that the movie will begin filming at the end of May.

"Star Wars: Episode VII" hits theaters Dec. 18, 2015.