Will the upcoming "Star Wars: Episode VII" utilize characters inspired by the expanded universe? According to one report, this may very well be the case.

Star Wars 7 News reports that a "source" has told the publication that some characters from the expanded fan-fiction "Star Wars" universe may find themselves in the upcoming film, albeit with slight variations.

"Right now they're looking at using the basic descriptions of EU characters with different names. Luke's wife will follow the same template as Shira Brie/Mara Jade. Red hair, Green eyes, attitude etc," revealed Star Wars 7 News. "The same with the kids of the big three. [...] Jaina will be the inspiration for the Solo daughter, Jacen for the Solo son and Ben for the Skywalker son. Most of the new characters in the new continuity are based on characters from the old continuity."

Of course, this emphasizes more than just the impact of the expanded universe. It also potentially provides fans with more clues about director J.J. Abrams' intentions for the franchise.

It has already been previously rumored that the new movie would give Luke, Han and Leia one last big hurrah before turning the franchise over to a younger generation. This new report indicates that this new generation will likely be their offspring.

Obviously, this is all speculation at this point as the "source" for this information was anonymous.

The new film is slated for a December 2015 release date and will be directed by Abrams. Many expect the cast to be revealed in coming months. However, Disney and Lucas Film have remained quiet up to this point.