The "Gravity Rush" franchise just released an animated video called "Gravity Rush: The Overture Animation." It was released to let fans know the events between the first game and the upcoming "Gravity Rush 2" that will be released on January 20, 2017 on the PlayStation 4 in the North America and UK.

"Gravity Rush: Overture" is an anime that was produced by Studio Khara, the group behind the popular "Evangelion" series and "Persona 4" anime, GameSpot reported. The anime was first announced earlier this year and is being released in preparation for "Gravity Rush 2" next month. The animated video detailing what Kat and Raven have been up to since the events of the first game can be watched for free on YouTube.

Fans of the first game will definitely enjoy "Gravity Rush: Overture" as it showcases Kat, Raven and their pets, a cat and a crow. The anime will give gamers the needed closure they need to be able to prepare for "Gravity Rush 2" as it involves the end of Kat's journey.

"Gravity Rush" was first released in 2012 for the PS Vita and was later remastered for the PS4. The demo for "Gravity Rush 2" was just released and can be downloaded via the PlayStation Store. It features two stories, one for beginners and one for those with experience and each path will have their own unique content. However, the demo page says that the demo does not represent the final outcome of the game so players can expect a different content when "Gravity Rush 2" finally comes out next month.

According to Kotaku, the game was supposed to be released this month but was delayed to January 2017. To make up for the delay of the sequel, Sony will be offering a free DLC for the disappointed fans.

Watch Kat, Raven and their pets in the animated videos below: