A new teaser recently released for the anime, "Dragon Ball Super" that contained a 31-second long trailer revealing what fans should expect in the upcoming episode. The Survival arc arrives on February 5, Sunday with a huge blast on its first episode. The episode 77 will be playing such an important role as the Super Saiyan anime, "Dragon Ball Super" will continues till episode 78 where Omni-King will announce his ruling.

In episode 78 of "Dragon Ball Super," the recent trailer reveals the highly anticipated clash called "Tournament of Power" between the 12 universes. A lot of fighters will be joining the battle that includes Krillin, Chaozu, Master Roshi, Android 18, Tenshinhan, Hercules, Buu, and New Gods of Destruction will also be making its debut on the battle.

Omni-King has already reserved his seat for the forthcoming battle that is expected to be ruthless whoever be defeated on the fight, Mobipicker has reported. The tournament was created due to Goku's request to the Omni-King, a great quote can be applied "be careful what you wish for" as his request has been granted but with a ruthless price.

Meanwhile Weekly Shonen Jump, a Japanese publication recently released a preview of episode 78 and was translated by Todd Blankenship into English. The episode of the "Dragon Ball Super" is titled The Gods of all Universes are in shock?! You'll be obliterated if you lose at the tournament of Power." Basing just by the title itself, a shocking revelation should be expected to burst out in episode 78, every god in every universe will be mortified, Blasting News has reported.

The king of every 12 universes decided to punish whoever god will be defeated on the survival arc by wiping out entirely their universe. The goal of the ruthless consequence when defeated is to determine only the best fighter in all of the galaxies. Reports also suggest that the very first fight in "Dragon Ball Super" survival arc will be the universe of Goku versus the universe 9.

After hearing the ruthless consequence Goku decided to have an alliance with the best fighters in every universe. "Dragon Ball Super" episode 78 will commence on February 12, at 7:15 PM CST.