Looking for love is difficult enough, and now contestants on a reality show will do it without clothing or makeup.

On a new show by Spanish Channel Cuatro called "Adan y Eva," Or "Adam and Eve," contestants will search for love on an island with only basic goods to survive. The point of the show is for the contestants to put everything out there, Cuatro said.

"They are naked on the inside and out without anything to hide or anything to hide with," the website said.

The show, which is in collaboration with Eyeworks España, men and women willing to strip down will find companionship and maybe even love. They will be paired up with others based on personalities and preferences.

Cuatro started looking for contestants today. The show is based off of the Dutch television show "Adam Looking for Eve," which premiered in March of this year. It was very successful in Holland, and Spain is hoping for the same results. The contestants won't be pixelated because "nudity is part of the program."

"Adan y Eva" also promises to show that reality TV has the ability to surprise through novelty.

Each week two couples will meet on the island, which is described as paradise. They will be matched up based on their traits. It won't be so easy for the two people to end up together because they will face many challenges along the way. They may end up having to choose between their original co-star and a third person, or they may have some exes visiting.

The show aims to answer a few questions: How will they react to first seeing each other in the nude? Will they look and act naturally? Will the succumb to shame and modesty?