"Boss Baby" an animated film taskmaster toddler has been dethroned Disney's live-action "Beauty and the Beast" with the box office of $49 million in its debut. The Fox-Dreamworks animated film has been reached an impressive A-grade on a CinemaScore from a polled moviegoers which drove the film of $15.5 million from 3,773 locations on Friday.

According to Variety, the "Boss Baby" has been a huge number one opening as its reach $50 million over on the above expectations, while "Beauty and the Beast" is still on the amazingly run to $45 to $50 million range. ComScore indicated that the "Boss Baby" reach over $1 billion of ticket sales from a $1.171 billion worth of moviegoers on domestic screens from March 1-31.

The animated film "Boss Baby" features Alec Baldwin's voice as the suit-clad baby who teams up with his older brother to fight against the evilness of CEO's sinful plot. Along with the other voice cast that includes Miles Christopher, Steve Buscemi, Jimmy Kimmel, Lisa Kudrow, and Tobey Maguire. Despite the "Beauty and the Beast's" popularity, the "Boss Baby" attracts its own family audience.

While "The Boss Baby" is the box office champion, USA Today reported that the controversial classic 1995 Japanese remake of anime film the "Ghost in the Shell" could not either compete with the family-friendly movie. The science fiction movie, starring Scarlett Johansson falls into the number three spot on its third week in a wide release that reaches $19 million, which has a poor showing for a film that costs $110 million to make.

It seems like the audiences agree on what the comScore's overall box office result, which reveals the March 31- April 2 weekend box office estimated score. Still, at the same spot "The Boss Baby" which earns $49 million, "Beauty and the Beast" on the second row, which has $47.5 million. The "Ghost in the Shell" on the third, which has $19 million, on the fourth spot will be the "Power Rangers" with the worth of $14.5 million. The "Kong: Skull Island" on the fifth row with $8.8 million.