"Super Bomberman R" is a well-received title from the popular "Bomberman" franchise. The game was recently released on the Nintendo Switch and now it is once again taking its place in the center stage in gaming with a new update and downloadable content (DLC) characters.

Konami has announced and released the free update for the "Super Bomberman R" game on the Nintendo Switch. GameSpot reports that the new patch aims to upgrade the frame rate of the game by pushing it to 60 FPS.

Whether or not the update is in place, "Super Bomberman R" players will get to experience better gameplay because of it. Furthermore, online matches will significantly become better because of less lags and reduced latency.

The outlet adds that the difficulty levels of "Super Bomberman R" has been tweaked. The Beginner and Normal modes are now easier to play and the Story mode can be continued without spending too much Gems in the event the players die in the game.

Furthermore, "Super Bomberman R" now have four VS stages in the shop. This includes Lagoon, Max Speed, Power Zone and White Cross. Two kinds of accessories have been added too: Crowns and Bombs. Players can now also customize the strength of the COM in the game in the Multiplayer Battle Mode.

In addition to the new update, Konami has announced a "Super Bomberman R" DLC. Players can get their hands on popular Konami characters in the game via the new content.

Cinema Blend reports that Simon Belmont from the "Castlevania" franchise, Pyramid Head from "Silent Hill" and Vic Viper from "Gradius" will be featured in "Super Bomberman R" as crossovers. Konami has not formally announced when the new DLC will be available for download.

The "Super Bomberman R" game is currently out on the Nintendo Switch. The new update is now up and can be downloaded for those who own the game.