"The Walking Dead" season 8 will feature the end of one of the most influential character of the show: Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln). His group consisting of survivors from Alexandria, Oceanside, The Hilltop and the Kingdom all came to show Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) that enough is enough. There was a bit of heartbreak as beloved character Sasha had to sacrifice her life to get an edge over the Saviors and showrunners say that fans would have to get used to more deaths next season.

Showrunner Scott Grimple said that "The Walking Dead" season 8 would be the most gruesome with more character deaths. He also revealed that in this season Rick would be willing to give up his own life just to let other survivors live, Express reported. Apparently the heroic spirit also lives in Michonne and Carl. They will be ready to do what it takes to finally stop Negan and his men.

The "Walker Stalker Convention" this month, it was confirmed by actor Jeffrey Dean Morgan that "The Walking Dead" season 8 is already set to begin production this week. This means that it won't take long for fans to see if Rick would really offer his life for the sake of his group.

Meanwhile, Comic Book said that "The Walking Dead" season 8 will likely air after San Diego Comic Con which will be held from July 20 to July 23. "The Walking Dead" panel never misses this event to showcase its first trailer of the season and this year it looks like it could be the same thing. Fans should expect the first trailer for season 8 on July 21 with plenty of hints as to who gets killed and who survives.

"The Walking Dead" season 8 will air on October 2017 on AMC. The first trailer and top information about the next season will likely air on July 21 at the San Diego Comic Con.