"Attack on Titan" franchise takes fans further into the fandom with 360 degree planetarium effects and surround sound acoustics in "Attack on Titan IN THE DOME - Soldiers' Starry Sky." The planetarium walls become the actual walls that protect humans from Titan invaders giving the audience a unique thrill. Sadly not all fans can watch it; this indoor attraction is only available in Japan.

The Konika Minolta Planetariums in Tokyo, Japan - The "Manten in Sunshine City" and the "Tenku in Tokyo Skytree Town," will be showing special planetarium "Attack on Titan" screenings with the story crafted according to planetarium viewing, Japan Today reported. The audience will be taken back to the day when the Titans attacked and broke into the city walls.

The Tokyo planetariums have intense surround sound acoustics, unique 360 degree views and comfortable seats that "Attack on Titan" Japanese fans will surely appreciate. These special screenings will be from May 20 to October 1 in Tokyo Skytree Town and May 27 to October 29 at the Manten in Sunshine City. Fans can also win special limited-edition tickets by solving a riddle using the event app. The game is hosted by "Attack on Titan" characters like Eren, Armin and Levi.

"Attack on Titan" fever soars higher with the latest meme crafted from the most recent episode in the animated series. Called memes about "Humanity's Worst Fear," these jokes were about the scene when Reiner discovers a huge grinning Titan inside a sealed wall, Kotaku reported. Reiner thought of opening a sealed wooden door and never knew the surprise waiting for him inside.

Videos and GIFs of the scene flooded online AoT social media sites with Reiner discovering equally scary surprises behind the wooden door: Jeb Bush, ogres, a YouTuber named Vsauce, Bugs Bunny and more. Fans can't get enough of "Attack on Titan" which is basically a serious animated series. But despite all its seriousness, it's actually a meme goldmine for social media fanatics.