On this day 10 years ago, the late Steve Jobs released Apple's original iPhone.

From checking in on (a.k.a. stalking) your Facebook friends to listening to your favorite U2 album (Songs of Innocence, anyone?), Apple floored customers by converting a standard cell phone into a pocket-sized computer.

Since its inception, the iPhone has enabled users to access GPS, shoot digital pictures and video, talk to and get information on the web from Siri, and download a plethora of apps from the App Store.

Like it or not, the ubiquity of the iPhone and other smartphones has fundamentally changed human behavior and continues to permeate everyday life.

And, yet, Apple has appeased Dick Tracy fans with the development of the Apple Watch and plans to invest in other major projects, indicating the inevitable obsolescence and eventual phasing-out of the omnipresent iPhone.

Here's what insiders are predicting what Apple's next 10-year milestone may bring.

A-R Smartglasses Technology

Rumors have recently circulated around Apple's ambitions of developing a set of augmented-reality smartglasses.

The Silicon Valley giant took strides in doing so through their alleged acquisition of the German company, SensoMotoric.

The company website revels in SensoMotoric's ability to use technology to track eyes on glasses as well as for both virtual and augmented-reality purposes.

If the reported acquisition is accurate, then you can expect Apple's "iGlasses" project to go full-throttle into the development phase in the near future.

Tesla-Style Apple Car

Tesla has based its brand on pushing for a greener, more efficient vehicle that runs entirely on electric power.

Although reports about Apple's interest in buying Tesla were never confirmed, the latter's CEO Elon Musk has alluded to the former's desire to replicate its own model.

Dabbling in a war-of-words exchange over the back and forth movement of tech employees, Musk referred to Apple as the "Tesla graveyard."

With a production team of 600 people, not much is currently known about the Apple Car design or plans, other than its expected release date of 2021.

Tablet-Free Artificial Intelligence

You know you're a spoiled millennial when the tech world's tablet-style model is too "mundane" for your taste. And, yet, this has been one of Apple and other smartphone company's biggest criticisms.

If the following venture takes off, though, expect Apple to follow suit.

Designers Philippe Starck and Jerome Olivet from the French electronics brand, Thomson, presented their Alo phone, a device that does away with the prominent touch-sensitive screen and embraces hologram and voice-control technologies.

The story has been marred by Starck accusing Olivet of spreading "false information" about a 20-year-old smartphone concept, raising doubts about the ownership and originality of the unique proposal.

We hope the issue gets resolved quickly because the concept sounds really cool.