Norma Ramirez is suing President Donald Trump for abolishing the DACA program, or the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. Ramirez is the offspring of two undocumented Mexican immigrants in the United States of America. She too also has no legal status in the United States. She was only five years old when her family arrived in the US from Mexico without any visa. 

When she was a kid, it was her dream to attend a very reputable and competitive university. She had performed very well in schools. She believes that her good performance at schools will be enough to earn her the chance to go to Harvard or Yale for her college diploma.

There was a time in her childhood when she was having a conversation with her dad regarding her life goals. She spoke to him about her dream of going to college and getting a degree in Ivy League schools.

The conversation ended with her father saying that she cannot go to college because of her father's lack of legal status in the US.

She was devastated as her dream of going to college is being affected by her undocumented status in the US. Although there are no laws prohibiting students with no legal status in the US to study for a college degree, acquiring financial help from scholarships is highly improbable.

Today, she is 29 years old working as a mental health therapist and a candidate for a Ph.D. in clinical psychology. Ramirez is on the right track of her chosen career path. She was able to get her college education because of the program of the Obama administration called DACA or the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.

She is one of the complainants who are suing the administration of President Trump for terminating the DACA program. The hearing of the case will be on November 12, 2019. She is proud to say that as an undocumented US immigrant suing the President and its administration, her heart is in the right place.

Being an immigrant, never in her life did she imagine that she will one day be highly involved in such a meaningful fight against migrant-related issues. She had filed the case together with other supporters of the DACA program.

She worries about the outcome of the case because a lot of DACA recipients will be cheering for the success of her case. She was hesitant about the future outcome of her and her colleagues' plea.

The case points out that the act of the administration of President Trump regarding the removal of the DACA program was illegal. The claim strongly proposes the fact that numerous recipients of the DACA program will lose the chance to reach their dreams in this country although they were children when they were brought to the US and had no power to make legal decisions towards the matter.

The DACA program was created by former President Barack Obama in 2012. It had provided its recipients with exemption from deportation and to be allowed to only work 2 years at a time.

This program does not offer her citizenship in the United States but this status is renewable. This program had helped many undocumented children to get a college degree, get a decent job, health insurance, and a driver's license.