35 Minutes of Daily Exercise Lowers Your Risk for Depression

Depression is a common mental health problem nowadays. It's considered as one of the most threatening mental illnesses due to the suicidal tendencies of a person with depression. The suicide rates in US have increased in the past few years.
According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, suicide due to depression is the country's 10th leading cause of death in 2017. In the same year, an estimated 47,173 Americans committed suicide not including those who are not reported and recorded. While another estimated 1.4 million Americans attempted suicide.
Fortunately, this mental health issue can be mitigated without spending too much money. In an article published in Medical News Today, a study from researchers of the Harvard University at Massachusetts General Hospital says that doing 35 minutes of exercise everyday-the equivalent of 4 hours a week-helps to reduce depression and mental health problems even if depression is linked to the genetic history of the family.
The truth is, exercising or at least being acitve on a regular basis prompts the brain to relaease endorphins. Endorphins are what is referred to as feel-good chemicals in the brain, they are responsible for the euphoric feeling some joggers experience called the "runner's high."
As we know, depression can affect a person's motivation. Therefore, it may be difficult for someone experiencing depression to actually get up and exercise. Experts suggest starting off slow by becoming active for only five minutes, every day for a week. These five minute increments will soon increase to 10 minutes, then to 15 minutes and so on.
Karmel Choi, the lead author of the study, together with her colleagues consulted 8,000 participants in the Partners Biobank who are diagnosed with depression. The researchers found that there's about a 17 percent decrease on the chance of getting depressed after exercising over the course of two years.
The researchers also found that those who are more physically active are less likely to experience depression. Karmel Choi stated that their findings "strongly suggest that, when it comes to depression, genes are not destiny and that being physically active has the potential to neutralize the added risk of future episodes in individuals who are genetically vulnerable."
- High intensity work-outs
- Aerobic exercise or exercise using machines
- Low intensity activity
- yoga or stretching
- Other physical activities, such as sports or swimming
Dr. Jordan Smoller, the senior author of the team, had this to say, "In general, our field has been lacking actionable ways of preventing depression and other mental health conditions. I think this research shows the value of real-world healthcare data and genomics to provide answers that can help us to reduce the burden of these diseases."
- People who are experiencing depression sometimes show symptoms like persistent sadness without any foreseeable reason, anxiety, feelings of worthlessness, helplessness, or having difficulty concentrating, remembering, and making decisions.
If you are experiencing these symptoms, seek professional help and try to spend 25-35 minutes a day exercising. The researchers also suggested that doctors include exercise as part of the prescription to every patient.
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