Protests for Slain Women in Mexico City Influence Officials

On Saturday, some women walked barefoot on the streets of Mexico City to participate in one of multiple protests in Mexico. These women were wearing clothing with pieces of organzas in pink and yellow colors. These two colors were the favorite colors of a woman who was a victim of murder in the country.
A ceremony was held to remember and honor the death of a young woman a year ago in Mexico City. Her name was Briseida Carreño. The city had witnessed a large number of killings involving women as victims.
Diana Ceballos, an activist to the cause had participated in the processions last week, November 23, 2019. Her cousin was one of the victims of the murders of women in Ecatepec in Mexico. Her cousin was raped before being killed by multiple stabs by her mother's ex-boyfriend. The murderer had confessed through a text message sent to her cousin's mother that he was the one responsible for her death. She was fourteen years old when she died in 2014 and the killer was jailed after 3 years of court trials.
According to a study, ten women are being killed in Mexico every day. It is one of the most unsafe places in the world for women. The viewed reason for this high number of murders among women in Mexico is the liberty of the suspects to commit such crime as only one or less murder case gets resolved in the country.
According to Network to Denounce Feminicides in the State of Mexico's coordinator Manuel Amador, there is numerous violence in the city.
Due to Amador's frustrations regarding the statistics involving the murder of women in their area, he had been arranging approximately sixty processions for eight years. He believes that this Mexico protests for those women who died of murder from the area will help bring awareness to the public on how the numbers for deaths in the area had reached an alarming matter. He also believes that this will result in the active actions of the country.
The mayor of Mexico City had released an alert this week regarding the alert for gender. This means that out of the 31 federal units of Mexico, twenty now had acknowledge femicides as a matter of emergency for the country. This move by the city was the result of the disruptive rallies conducted throughout the capital of Mexico after rape cases involving the police officials of the city. Some of the participants of the rallies were the families of victims. The Mexico protests got so disruptive in the city as they were being conducted by this group of people almost every week.
Activists of this cause are planning many demonstrations to commemorate the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women which was on Monday.
Last week, the procession made by the group was dedicated to Briseida Carreño's 1st death anniversary from murder. The decorations and clothing accessories used by the attendees of the protest had meanings. The flowers which they held and wore on their necks symbolize healing and hope while the torn fabric symbolizes the torn life of the victims and their loved ones. The black strings that were tied on Amador's arms represent the inescapable bondage of women who were victimized because of misogyny.
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