15 Popular Hispanic Girl Names for Your Baby

According to data released by Pew Research, Hispanic births accounted for 25 percent of the total births in the United States in 2018. That's a lot of babies to name isn't it?

Traditionally, Hispanic-American babies were often named after saints, while some were given names taken from the Bible. There are also some who were named after telenovela characters.

Unlike other races, Spanish people have two surnames: one from a mother and one from a father. However, it is the father's surname that is usually passed on to the child. This same culture is also observed by Hispanics in the U.S., except on cases where the parents are divorced or when the father passed away before the child is born. Hispanics usually base their last name or surname on the father's surname and use the mother's surname as the middle name.

If you're an expecting mom or a husband of one who's still looking for baby name ideas, you're at the right place, especially if you're expecting a baby girl. If you are thinking of a unique name for your la angelita, we're here to help you out. Sure, you want your child to stand out in a multitude of other Marias.

It is thought that a person's identity is partly shaped by the way he or she is treated by other people - a concept psychologists call the "looking-glass self" - and the person's name has the potential to affect his or her interactions with society, according to an article published in BBC. Not to pressure the expecting parents, but choosing a name is no joke.

Here are 15 most popular Hispanic girl names and their meanings:

1. Mireia

If you want to picture out your baby as a lovely lady with an admirable character in the future, you can name her Mireia. It means 'to admire' in Latin.

2. Zarita

Want your baby to grow up strong and respectable? A royalty indeed, Zarita means 'noble lady or princess.'

3. Ynez

A religious yet trendy name, Ynez means 'holy.'

4. Xiomara

If you want to empower your child, as young as she is, name her Xiomara. It means 'famous warrior.'

5. Xenia

Xenia is a pretty feminine name, isn't it? It means 'well-born'.

6. Violeta

Beautiful and gentle, as delicate as a flower petal, your daughter will surely bloom in no time. You can name her Violeta which refers to the 'violet flower'.

7. Veronica

If you are a fan of the popular comic series 'Archie' or an avid reader of Brazilian author Paulo Coelho, this name will ring a bell. Veronica means 'bringer of victory.'

8. Valentia

Poetic and strong, Valentia means 'power'.

9. Trini

Short but sweet name which came from 'the holy trinity - the father, son and the holy ghost,' this name is for devoted moms out there.

10. Tonia

Your baby girl is precious to you, her name should reflect that. Tonia means 'invaluable'.

11. Adalina

Adalina is a lyrical name which means 'little noble'. Isn't it perfect for your little princess?

12. Adora

Adorable name for your adorable baby, this cute name means 'adoration.'

13. Adelita

Feminine may it sound but Adelita has a strong meaning. It means 'noble and a warrior woman.'

14. Aleta

For your little angel, Aleta sounds unique as well as beautiful. It means 'winged'.

15. Agueda

This name which means 'good', is a virtuous name for your baby girl. If you want her to grow up with a kind heart and unique charisma, go with Agueda.

Do you have a favorite from our list? Or are you thinking of a more unique name? No matter what her name will be, make sure it suits her well because she will carry it for the rest of her life. But most importantly, regardless of the name, your daughter's character has surely something to do with the way you raise her.