7 Internet Security Tips for Small Businesses

Cybercriminals are out there launching new cyberattacks every week. Conventional methods of breaching a small company's database include phishing, waterholes, and drive-by downloads. Phishing is a cyber email attack where a recipient is told to open a malicious attachment or to click a link that downloads programs that are unauthorized by the firm. Watering holes are websites that appear to be a legitimate source of information but has been turned into a malicious website by a cyber-criminal. Drive-by downloads are a website set up by cybercriminals that install programs on your computer without asking for your permission.

To prevent the possibility of being attacked by a cybercriminal, you should implement the following seven tips:

Password Protection

Cybercriminals and cyber attackers will go after password systems that are easy to break into. These criminals will sometimes contact employees to gain their passwords so that they can break into databases. Improved password systems are needed to protect computer networks and essential information. Strong passwords and password changes frequently are required to safeguard unauthorized entrance.

Cyberattack Planning

Cyber planning involves understanding how a cybercriminal can breach the security of the business. This is where you may need to find a managed security service provider. This is because understanding how your business can be attacked is essential and having MSSP security is a proven pathway for achieving this goal. Planning backup sites that are cold and hot, including the backup of crucial data, requires expertise.

Added Levels of Protection

Putting together a system where there are multiple levels of security is an excellent way to prevent unauthorized entrants. Steps towards limiting access for certain people to sensitive data is a great way to lock out people who want to reach the database of the company. Levels of protection include multiple passwords, encryption, and limit usage time.

Personal Device Security

Today, more people are using personal devices to access company documents and information. Employees like to access company documents in a mobile way because they can get work done on the road. However, opening up your business to mobile access does increase the likelihood that there could be a breach of security. Constant monitoring of mobile devices included with additional security measures like regular password changes will help prevent violations.

More Knowledgeable Employees

Training employees to understand the importance of keeping their passwords private, including taking security measures seriously, is the right thing to do in preventing cybercriminals from attacking. Make sure your employees understand the penalties for failing to upkeep the security roles and the resources that are available to them to maintain compliance with security.

Try Hacking In

IT specialists and even managed security service providers understand how to hack in. You may want to encourage your IT department to go outside of the firm for several weeks and try to hack into the cloud systems your business utilizes. However, you can save a lot of time by hiring an independent contractor to work on breach of your company security. Find a managed security service provider that will help you understand the importance of preventing people from hacking in.

Keep Up to Date

Nothing stays the same in this world that is continuously changing. Technology becomes more advanced and more sophisticated as time goes on. You should understand this and have your team conduct constant training to keep up-to-date. Cybercriminals and their cyberattacks will become more advanced in the future.


Preventing cyber attacks and cybercriminals from breaching security is an essential part of maintaining your small business profit. Costly attacks could include database breaches that will deteriorate your relationship with your customers and even vendors. To prevent these attacks, you should require your employees to change their password frequently and include sophisticated passwords that include symbols. Your company should have added levels of protection and security, including mobile devices. Your company should educate its employees on the importance of internet security. To help in the prevention of a successful cyberattack, hire trained professionals to try hacking in. But before doing this, they should plan the business to operate regardless of a cyber attack is made.