Marrying a Latina: Best Bits of Marriage Advice from Latinas

Although, this is not the right time to talk about marriage due to the global health pandemic that continues to infect nearly a million people around the world, we have to understand that it will not last forever, and soon or later we will all be back to living our normal lives. This includes falling in love and getting married.
COVID-19 does not only put into hiatus millions of establishments that led to unemployment and furloughed millions of employees as well, but it also has canceled and postponed special events like weddings.
However, this is also a time not to take everything around us negatively. The hiatus that most are experiencing today is also a time for everyone to reflect and be creative.
Amid the global and economic health crisis, one question from a social media user caught the attention of many Latinas. In a recently published article, the question of Nancy Cruz on her social media account was "If you could give me one advice on marriage what would it be?
Here are some of the answers of the Latinas that you can ponder if you plan to marry a Latina or if you are married to a Latina:
View marriage as a bonus not the piece to a missing puzzle
"My advice: don't do it!! JUST KIDDING. my mom says, view marriage as an additional bonus to your life not as a completion . You're an amazing complete woman on your own."
Beware of the red flags
"As someone going through a divorce: make a list of all the red flags (small and big) and play each one out and truly determine if any are problematic. The small red flags now always come back up later. Some can be worked on, some can be communicated through , but some are a sign of unsettled trauma/machismo/addictions/narcissism etc."
If you're getting advice about your life, get it from the right people
"Its between you two!!! . Dont try to fit your relationship into stereotypical molds... what works for you may not be what other ppl say! Also, dont bad talk your boo even if you're mad and frustrated. What you feed, grows. And always remember to flirt with your husband lik y'all still dating. And, if you turn to someone for advice, make sure they understand healthy marriages. Soooooo many ppl in the world giving advice but dont have a healthy successful marrige.... be open wi th your boo, be honest, nd hve fun! Best wishes&blessings - AH."
Don't compare yourself. It's not a tit for tat game
"Never compare yourself to other marriages or your parent's marriage. Your marriage is whatever you want it to be and cultivate together, this is completely up to you and your spouse. This is the most freeing thing I have ever heard and made me appreciate my marriage more!"
Don't put up with behavior in a marriage that your instincts are telling you are wrong
"Married 20 years and my best advice is to trust your instincts. In my marriage what has worked is respecting my partner and expecting that same level of respect, that reciprocity goes for kindness, compassion, patience, and forgiveness too. But, ultimately, this is big, don't marry someone if your instincts are telling you it's wrong, don't put up with behaviors or treatments within marriage that your instincts are telling you are wrong, and don't stay if those same instincts are telling you it's wrong. You know you, what you want, need, can and can't handle. That's the voice to defer to - not your friends, society, or family. The union should bring you and the other person great personal growth. I realize that all sounds like a high bar and it is. People get and stay married, settling for far less than they should, because there is (or they perceive) external pressures to do so. Resist this. Marriage is not for everyone and not every partner is a commit your life partner. Finally, though, it's 2020. Marriage isn't irreversible. If it's not working, that's okay and don't take it as a failure, but an awareness of your worth and growth."
Grow with each other
"Grow with each other. Ive been with mine for 8 years (married 2). We started dating at 16 and 19, and man have times changed. If we didn't make mistakes, keep each other accountable, help each other figure out what we each wanted to do, we won't be together after all this time."
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