South America host two of the largest countries in the world. Adding to the list of violence and poverty cases, another obstacle that many nations in this region are encountering is the coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic had put a huge weight on the shoulders of the countries in these regions with the widespread stay-at-home orders, lockdowns, quarantines, social distancing, and other COVID-19-related concerns. Additionally, their economies are now being challenged for its survival amid the pandemic.

However, have you ever wonder how the top richest South American country was doing before the pandemic? Here are the top riches South American country reported before the coronavirus pandemic hit the world:


On top of the list is Chile with an income per capita of $27,058. Based on an article, the people of Chile have the privilege to live good living standards in their well-developed economies. Also, the article reveals that it is one of the most developed countries in South America in terms of economic freedom, globalization of businesses, and human development. This means that the country of Chile has a higher capability of providing better living environments for its people. Also, the low rate of homicides in this South American country proves that it is a safe place to live in and a safe destination for those who want to travel to any South American nation. Also, the article reveals that it sources its riches from mining operations, manufacturing, and more.


With a per capita income of $24,051, Uruguay takes second place as the richest country in the South American region. According to an article, the main source of trade in the country includes wool, beef, dairy products, and crops. These trading activities had led to the country's economic growth over the years. Based on the article, the country has focused on investing in its health care system and education. Additionally, the article reveals that it has been also following human rights policies for its people.

Additionally, an article reveals that the country has a good number of the middle class. Also, the country is not burdened with corruption issues and the press is given the needed freedom to inform the country's citizens about news and other important information.

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Argentina is third on the list with a $20,425 per capita income. Aside from its famous cattle products, other things make this South American deserve to be part of the top three on the list.

Argentina has vast fertile lands that make the country's agricultural sector prosper and help lead the country into becoming one of the top richest countries in South America. Additionally, the country's gas and lithium reserves help the energy sector of the country prosper, according to an article. Also, the country's high-tech businesses and manufacturing firms can provide employment opportunities to their citizens.