Trump Replaces His Campaign Manager as the Election Nears
President Donald Trump announced Wednesday night that he is replacing Brad Parscale, his campaign manager, with his longtime political aide Bill Stepien.

The president's announcement on Wednesday night was made after the result of the recent polls showing that he is falling behind Joe Biden in the presidential race. However, Brad Parscale will remain as a senior adviser focusing on digital and data strategies.
Meanwhile, Trump's longtime political aide and the deputy manager Bill Stepien will take over as the new campaign manager, according to a published article in The Guardian. The President's announcement was publicly made through his official social media accounts.
It was reported that Parscale was under pressure because of the turn out of Trump's rally in Tulsa. The rally held in June was only participated by around 6,200 individuals. Meanwhile, the President's daughter Ivanka Trump and son-in-law Jared Kushner were reportedly pissed because Parscale promised huge crowds.
In a recent Quinnipiac national poll released on Wednesday, Trump's Democratic opponent and former Vice-President Joe Biden lead 15 points. One of the reasons seen why Trump lags behind Biden is due to the administration's response towards the effect of the global pandemic.
However, it is important to note that the administration is doing everything to provide stimulus checks, food aide, and more to the citizens. In fact, the Republican lawmakers are now planning again for another round of stimulus that will help the vulnerable goups most especially those who filed unemployment claims.
Moreover, Jared Kushner was the one who recommended Brad Parscale to become the campaign manager of Trump back in 2018. However, since that time, Parscale was alleged that he is profiting from Trump's campaign.
The new campaign manager Bill Stepien was Trump's campaign field director in 2016. He was also known as the top aide of the former New Jersey Governor and a one-time presidential candidate Chris Christie.
However, Stepien was expelled from Christie's after the controversy that involved him in the aftermath of the bridge lane closures at the George Washinton Bridge in 2013. It was known at that time as Bridgegate but Stepien as not accused of any criminal wrongdoing and in fact, made a comeback on Trump's campaign 2016.
Parscale's clickbait campaigns on Facebook have also been criticized. In can be remembered that in one of his interviews with a national news outlet, he told Kushner that the President has to harness Facebook if he wants to be the next president. He also said, "Give me the power, and I can help you win."
In January this year, Parscale also told The Guardian that he always saw himself as kind of a CEO and as a business leader. He also asserted that he wanted to be successful and always wanting to adapt but he knew that he wanted more.
Sometimes, Parscale exaggerated his qualifications and dramatized the story of his life. He once said that he was a farm boy from Kansas when in fact he actually grew up in the suburbs.
Now that Pres. Trump has a new campaign manager, there are expectations and pressures. An expectation that will lead to Trump's victory and pressure that the same thing would not happen during Parscale's time.
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