Mia Deakin, the daughter of "Real Housewives Of Vancouver" star Jody Claman, was shot in a drive-by shooting at an East Vancouver gas station, according to CBC.

Following the incident, which approximately took place at 7 p.m. this past weekend, Deakin was rushed to Vancouver General Hospital and was treated for two gunshot wounds to her back.

Claman's daughter is one of two people shot and injured in the drive-by.

Deakin, 28, underwent surgery for a gunshot wound in her shoulder while her 27-year-old unnamed companion was treated for a shot in his hand, but was later arrested on an outstanding warrant.

Police told CBC that the drive-by may have actually been a targeted and calculated move on the shooter's behalf.

Bystanders during the incident are claiming that they heard about 10 shots being fired by a man inside of an SUV.

No suspects have been arrested in the case, and police are asking anyone with information to contact them, CBC reports.

Although Deakin's drive-by incident is still pending, Deakin and her mother are taking swift action when it comes to fellow "RHOV" star, Mary Zilba.

According to the Province, Deakin and Claman have filed a defamation lawsuit against Zilba in the wake of this past weekend's shooting incident.

Zilba reportedly made defamatory comments to CBC on Monday about Deakin. Zilba claimed that Deakin associated herself with criminals and engages in criminal behavior.

The lawsuit reads that Zilba's comments to CBC "were intended to lower the reputation of the plaintiffs in the eyes of the public."

The lawsuit further states: "All defamatory statements made by the defendant were made with malice, in that they were made with the intent to harm and injure the plaintiffs and not for any legitimate purpose, and were made in spite and vengeance by the defendant."

Mary Zilba has yet to respond to the latest lawsuit news.