The House of Congress passed and voted over the $2.2 trillion stimulus package on Thursday amid the negotiation between the White House and Pelosi. 

(Photo : Reutersconnect)

The U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi initially started their weeks stalled stimulus negotiation on Wednesday. However, they decided to put a halt in their negotiation to come up with a more significant deal on Thursday

Meanwhile, members of the House of Representatives are already set to vote on the relief measures under the $2.2 trillion stimulus package. This is to make sure that millions of Americans will receive the relief aids they need as they continue to suffer the economic impact of the global pandemic. 

The relief measure passed the Congress with 214-207 votes. Meanwhile, none of the Republicans voted for the relief aids while 18 Democratic representatives voted against the bill. Almost all Democrats who voted for the $2.2 trillion stimulus package are those who are in a tight race. 

One of the Democratic Representatives who voted against the stimulus package, Rep. Abigail Spanberger, said "Today's package is another partisan exercise that will never become law. My focus remains on working with Democrats and Republicans to get relief to my district immediately, and partisan gamesmanship will not do it."

Moreover, the new stimulus legislation that passed Congress is known as HEROES 2.0. It is a scaled-down version of the HEROES Act which the Democrats proposed in May. The Congress Representatives voted for the HEROES 2.0 while Steven Mnuchin and Nancy Pelosi attempted to have a bipartisan agreement. 

On the other hand, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told the reporters on Late Thursday night that she spoke to Steven Mnuchin for multiple times. However, she clarified that there is no agreement or stimulus deal yet. When she was asked if there is a possibility for a stimulus agreement, she said: "It depends."

The agreement between Steven Mnuchin and Nancy Pelosi is almost near. The only thing that hinders their negotiation is the total amount of the stimulus package Meadows already said that the White House offered over $1.5 trillion while Pelosi keeps on pushing for $2.2 trillion. 

Since the new stimulus dubbed as HEROES 2.0 already passed the Congress, the Senate is expected to deliberate it. Even though there is only a slim chance that it will pass the Senate, things could still change after Pres. Trump said that he would urge the Republicans to vote for a larger stimulus. 

Once it passes the Senate, Pres Trump is more likely to sign it into a law a day after. This means that the Internal Service Revenue could start sending the $1,200 stimulus checks to millions of Americans across the country. That also includes other benefits like the dependent payment. 

Hopefully, the relief aids under the new stimulus package will be sent before the election to help those who continue to suffer the economic devastation of the global pandemic. Meanwhile, if this will not pass the Senate, Trump's administration is already considering to release a series of executive orders.  

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