Here's How Coconut Oil Could be a Hair Loss Treatment
Hair loss treatments could be costly and risky, with the possibility of being unhappy with the results. According to experts, the natural way of treating hair loss is always the best, like applying oil to your scalp to increase hair growth.

Lots of men and women face hair loss problems today. Hair loss is found in almost 70% of men, and women are less likely to have this problem, as per the recent studies.
About 30% of women face hair loss later on in life, statistics show. But in women, hair loss could not lead to total baldness than men's cases. Using coconut oil could improve hair growth, the Express reported.
Statistics show otherwise, with about 30%of women face or face hair loss later on in life.
However, in women, hair loss usually does not end with total baldness, as is the case with men. According to studies, using coconut oil could help to increase hair growth.
Coconut oil contains fatty oil that comes from raw or dried coconuts. Its appearance looks like white butter at room temperature and melts when heated.
Coconut oil is natural oil used for food, cooking, as well as hair and beauty treatment.
Read also: Coconut Oil: Cold-Pressed vs Cold-Processed
There is lots of medical research about the health benefits that coconut oil could give to our skin, body, and hair. It can also be the answer to increase your hair growth.
According to Healthline, our hair is our crowning glory, so it is alright to improve your hair if you're not satisfied with it. "Coconut oil contains fatty acids that penetrate inside the hair shaft and reduce protein loss from hair, the site continued.
You could massage the coconut oil into your scalp and your hair and use it as a leave-in treatment if your hair is dry.
Combining natural products produces the most promising results, as per the International Journal of Ethics in Engineering & Management Education's published research.
The Malaysian researchers demonstrated a mixture of coconut oil and Nigella sativa and effectively promoted hair growth.
Researchers concluded that the mix of Nigella sativa and coconut oil is the most effective way to improve hair growth. Thus, it is a potential substance to be an alternative for hair treatment in the future.
It is suggested to have a further study to determine the effectiveness of coconut oil and olive oil with Nigella sativa extracts to promote hair growth.
Even if there is scientific proof that coconut oil could decrease protein loss in hair, there is no scientific evidence to show that coconut oil affects preventing baldness in males due to DHT.
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