Footprint chart refers to the type of candlestick chart providing traders with the information they need. These footprint charts contain information like order flow, addition to price, and trade volume. 

The footprint chart is multi-dimensional that provides traders with the information they will use for analysis. It is a unique offering and continues to garner popularity in the list of leading charting software providers. You can read about footprint type here and get more information that helps you succeed trading. 

Overview of footprint charts

These charts are multi-dimensional diagrams. If you are a trader, you can use footprints charts to observe market variables overlaid. Some essential information you are likely to get include; bid-ask spreads, liquidity levels, and volume. 

As a trader, you can customize these footprints charts and include the individual variables you would like to track. It is similar to candlesticks; you can also customize their chart time frames and analyze their security movement depending on either basis; short, intermediate, or long-term. 

The overall benefits of considering footprints as a trader are that they provide you with the benefit of analyzing multiple variables through a focused diagram. However, these footprint charts can be grouped with multi-variable charts, and advanced traders need them; depth of market charts and level II quote charts. 

The chart providers, especially the advanced, provide multi-variable quoting systems, and you can purchase through subscription as an add-on to the standard software services. 

Footprint Chart variations

You will come across the different footprint charts. These are available from a charting. The common type of footprint charts that traders use include:

Bid/ask footprints - these types of footprints charts will add color to specific real-time volume. That helps with easier visualization of both sellers and buyers that probe for a bid or ask. Using this footprint chart, the traders can see whether it's the sellers or the buyers' responsibility to influence the price move. 

Footprint profile - these types of footprint charts will show the investors the volume and price. They use a vertical histogram to display the information. With these footprints charts, the traders can understand the prices at which the liquidity is pooling. 

Volume footprint - these types of footprint charts differ from the volume histogram present in the traditional charts. With these charts, the volume footprints will segments volumes by both price and time. And with the charts, the traders can easily determine their points of capitulation. 

Delta footprint - these types of footprint charts will display the difference between the volume that has been initiated by buyers and the volume that sellers initiate at each price. The traders can use these delta footprint charts to confirm when the price trend will start and continue. 

Understanding MarketDelta 

MarketDelta is among the largest and popular software developers for footprint charts. To access these charts, the trader has to subscribe monthly. The MarketDelta platform provides automation to top brokerage firms. It also offers numerous data for customization with an additional fee. 

Using delta footprint in order flow trading is complex. Though the definition will remain the same, you have a different way to interpret the charts; delta profile, volume delta, or delta footprint. 

Footprint chart software 

Before diving into these footprint charts, you should know that you require special software to display the date. There are numerous charting software, and you can find them available in the market, but the best include Exocharts and Sierra Chart for cryptocurrencies. 

Footprints charts are great because they determine your trading success. However, if you're a day trader where you're trading future in crypto or legacy markets, there is easy access to affordable tools. Therefore, you must give a footprint chart as short. 


If you are new to trading, considering these footprint charts will dramatically improve your trading skills over the years. When you have a chance, ensure to utilize them properly. Many successful traders have been using these charts to predict their traders and received successful results. 

The footprints charts can help you build an entire trading strategy. That's possible; many of the successful traders have been doing it. Moreover, these charts can also be used to validate trading signals. 

If you look at the best traders worldwide, they find trading as an effortless activity. But, that doesn't mean that success in trading won't require hard work. The effortless is achieved because of proper preparation, and that depends on hard work. You need to do it if you want success. 

When building your trading system, design and make it reach a point of becoming processor filtering of the market's information; after meeting all the conditions, you can start to trade. Trading is not a guessing activity and expects to win a trade. It would be best if you had your strategies. And if you equip yourself with the best working techniques, trading becomes effortless.