Ivans Media Interview

Ivan Bakurov, one of the most successful Instagram promoters, the owner of Ivans Media, opens his secrets of success.
1. Ivan, hello! Tell us please, how long have you been promoting?
I've been promoting for 5 or 6 years. During this time my agency Ivans Media has already helped more than 1000 bloggers, stars and brands. And I can't say that we work only with stars and experienced bloggers. No, we try to help everyone: beginners, starting accounts without subscribers. Even if they are just looking for their own way we help them to realize themselves.
Why did you choose this profession?
You know, I had one good reason - I just love this job. And mainly because it is connected with communication with creative, interesting and insanely talented people. Of course, such a business requires enormous efforts. To get the desired result, the very complete and unique picture, we carry out tens of thousands of operations. But it's worth it. The opportunity to see with your own eyes the result of your hard work brings tremendous positive emotions for us and for our clients.
3. Do you have any strict rules or algorithm for promoting the stars on Instagram?
No, absolutely not. And there can't be any algorithm. Each of our clients has their own goals and their own vision of what they want to achieve. Yes, we have a lot of promotion methods: content, targeting, collaborations and so on, but there is no specific algorithm. We create an individual promotion strategy for each client so that he or she achieves the desired results as soon as possible.
4. Please tell us from what sphere your clients are.
As I said, Ivans Media has been operating for quite long time. Therefore, it is difficult to remember all the clients, and to which area they belong. We have worked with singers, actors, brands, athletes, etc. In general, with everyone.
5. Can you name some of the stars you've been working with?
It's actually easier to list those we haven't worked with. We have a huge list of clients - we worked with Kirkorov, with Guzeeva, with Loboda. To one degree or another, we have worked with almost all Russian stars.
6. How do you look for clients?
To be honest, we try not to look for new clients. We have a huge client base. I want to say that we really have a lot of regular customers who regularly contact us. But as we grow and develop, new clients find us on their own.
7. Ivan, what is your secret? Why is your agency so successful?
There is no special secret. Reputation is very important for the Ivans Media agency, and we work on it every day. We have a lot of experience in promoting on Instagram, and only reliable specialists work for us. Our clients know that they can entrust us with the password for any account, and my agency always justifies this trust. In this business, the issue of trust is generally very important. And thousands of our successful clients trust us.
7. Could you tell us, what the result of promoting depends on?
The work result depends on many factors. For our part, we do our best. The list of our services includes not only promotion, but also support, organization and assistance in holding or participating in various events, photo sessions, as well as consultations, promotions, etc. But of course, a lot depends on the client as well. If a person is talented, purposeful and willing to work, he will succeed in any case. It's just that with our help, it will be many times faster.
8. Ivan, tell us please about the nearest plans for Ivans Media?
Ivans media agency will continue to grow and develop. Our clients trust us, and we cannot let them down, so we will continue to work in this direction. Today, many Instagram users have problems with page management, production, and content. And we will continue to help talented and motivated people achieve success.
We are going to continue to study and discover new relevant ways of promotion and production. And we plan to conquer the USA market. And I have no doubts about our success.
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