SSI Benefits Schedule: Who's Qualified, When to Expect up to $1,261 Payments for August 2022?

Supplemental Security Income benefits or SSI benefits are usually deposited on qualifying recipients on the first of the month, except if it falls on a weekend or holiday.
According to GOBanking Rates, the SSI benefits in August 2022 can be expected to go out on August 1. Social Security Administration (SSA) manages it.
The SSA said some states and areas may also supplement the federal SSI benefit with additional payments.
SSA advises its recipients to wait three additional mailing days before checking their payment status if they normally receive paper checks.
Recipients can expect to receive payment on the first if they choose to receive their SSI payments through direct deposit. However, this may depend on the recipients' bank.
SSI Benefits Schedule
AARP reported that SSI benefits are usually paid in the month following the month for which they are due. The SSI benefits for the month of January are paid in February.
The payment date depends on the beneficiaries' birth date for most recipients. If you are receiving the benefits of the record of a retired, disabled, or deceased worker, the person's birthday is what sets the schedule for the payments.
If the beneficiaries' birthday is on the 1st or 10th of the month, they are set to receive their SSI benefits on the second Wednesday of each month. If it is the 11th through the 20th, they are paid on the third Wednesday of the month.
Those with birthdays from the 21st through the 31st will receive their SSI benefits on the fourth Wednesday of the month. The SSA imposed this schedule in June 1997. But before that, payments were issued on the month's third day.
People who started receiving benefits before May 1, 1997, are still paid on the third of the month. In addition, the third of the month is also a schedule applied for beneficiaries who live abroad, are enrolled in Medicare Savings Programs, and those who collect both Social Security and SSI benefits.
Recipients can receive benefits through direct deposit or a Direct Express debit card.
SSI Benefits
SSI payments are part of a benefits program by the SSA, providing monthly payments to older, blind, and disabled people experiencing financial hurdles.
In April 2022, it was recorded that more than 7.6 million people were receiving SSI benefits, which covers 2.3 million people 65 and older, according to another AARP fact sheet.
Most states provide additional benefits to supplement the federal benefits. To be an eligible recipient, you should be disabled, blind, or at least 65 years old and have limited financial resources.
The maximum monthly benefit available from the federal program is $841 monthly for an individual in 2022. Couples who are both qualified to be part of the program will receive $1,261.
Financial resources should not exceed $2,000 in value for an individual and $3,000 for a couple. Social Security will count bank accounts, bonds, cash, stocks, and real estate that is not your main residence, among other things.
This article is owned by Latin Post.
Written by: Mary Webber
WATCH: How Social Security Works - From CNBC
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