Stressful Work Brought Me Excess Weight, But I Used SoonFasting to Drop 25 Pounds

"Too many desserts are bad for me, but I couldn't stop since they release my job stress. SoonFasting lets me still enjoy them during the weight-loss period."
Striving for weight loss for 10 years through multiple methods, but none worked.
Let's start with my food. In the morning, I used to have a healthy bowl of cereal, nuts, and berries as my breakfast before going to work. I was so busy throughout the day at work that I had no time to think about what foods to choose. I usually have a chipotle bowl or salad from the cafe. When I returned home at 8 p.m., I would have a big dinner, dessert, and chips while streaming my favorite series.
I know too many desserts are bad for me, but I couldn't stop since they DID release my job stress.
I was greedy for the desserts and chips, especially when I felt work was bogging me down. They had given me a momentary respite from the stressful day. And when I investigated a covered story that earned recognition for my office, I preferred to reward myself with desserts, too.
I knew my eating patterns could be the main problem hindering my weight loss, but I couldn't ditch the evening binge.
During the holiday season, I gained another 10 pounds. I was so sad and finally made the determination and decided to consult the doctor on how to lose weight. My doctor told me an old saying: "Breakfast like a king; lunch like a prince; dinner like a pauper."
Intermittent fasting seemed practical to me.
He suggested that I change my eating habits and try to eat more for breakfast and less for dinner. Meanwhile, he introduced intermittent fasting to me and said combining these two ways could have better results.
Out of occupational habits, I had searched for many background information and scientific principles before accepting the intermittent fasting program. I chose to start with the 14:10 routine, an easy-to-follow plan.
It was hard for me at the beginning. I had to get up earlier to prepare my breakfast. Following the doctor's recommendation, I usually start my day with chicken pita rocket with avocado and lettuce. At lunchtime, I eat what I used to eat before - egg salad. Gradually, I found that I didn't feel hungry when I got home after work. I would only sit with my wife and kids during dinnertime and have a small salad or soup.
I embraced pound loss.
I told my doctor about the changes, and he said that it was a good signal and that I would begin to lose weight one day. As he expected, I lost incredible weight over the next few months.
Two months later, I noticed I had gotten rid of my addiction to desserts and chips. I didn't need to rely on them to ease my stress from work.
I often work out when I wake up before breakfast or have a 30-minute walk after dinner. My doctor suggested it as well.
It's about 4 months after I began losing weight with intermittent fasting and adjusting my eating habits. I have lost 25 pounds in total. I know, that's not a significant number. But I have to say that I didn't do any calorie counting and followed the low-intensity fasting plan.
More can be expected!
I'm satisfied with my current lifestyle. My program may not be effective for everyone, but I hope my experience can help people with the same problems change their eating patterns and lose weight.
SoonFasting is a practical way for my physical and mental health.
I knew it was difficult to follow a routine other than daily work, home tasks, and errands, so I needed more self-control in a practical try at intermittent fasting. According to my doctor's advice, the most practical way for me is to choose an intermittent fasting app and follow the app's daily tips.
There are too many intermittent fasting apps on the market. I fell into a confused state for a while. Apps such as Fastic (A well-known German app), Zero (Elon Musk used it to lose 20 or so pounds), and SoonFasting (A new popular intermittent fasting app) are good choices for any person who wants to try intermittent fasting.
After considering the subscription price, the friendliness to novices, and referring to a series of online reviews, I chose SonFasting. Some of you may have heard about it.
SoonFasting is a health tracker and diet plan app that provides personalized fasting plans and expert tips. What surprised me the most is that, behind the program, there is a certified nutritionist team. It does offer an easy-to-access way for me. I use it to achieve my goals through scientific techniques and coaches' exclusive consultations.
The onboarding experience for SoonFasting is excellent.
After downloading the app, a reasonably involved onboarding process exists to offer customized intermittent fasting. Fortunately, it only takes me a few minutes to complete, which is brief but also ensures the relative scientific.
The boarding process starts with a self-guided quiz to collect my demographic information relevant to physical factors such as body type, weight, height, gender, age, dietary intake and frequency, physical condition, and whether I exercise or not, as well as experiential information such as lifestyle, goals, and obstacles. Finish the boarding process, and the app will integrate all dimensions and analyze it. Then, the system will generate a scientific fasting and meal plan tailored for every user. Because the plan is based on my current physical condition, goals, and expectations, it is relatively scientific.
I use health trackers to keep my fasting accountable.
Similar apps inevitably have homogeneous features, and SoonFasting is no exception. Multiple intermittent fasting trackers can choose from, including 12:12, 14:10, 16:8, 17:7, 18:6, 20:4, and 23:1. You can track and analyze your fasting length, records, and streaks. Besides, you can stay hydrated with a water tracker and water reminder; some apps have the same or similar features. But when I compared it with other intermittent fasting apps, I found that SoonFasting made more attempts. It integrates data with the health app (Healthkit) to keep track of your daily activities (steps, water intake, weight). The in-depth daily reporting showcases objectively and intuitively presents various data about your body and extraordinary efforts.
Motivation and interactions made me persist until now.
The differentiation of SoonFasting from others is "motivation" and "interactions," which is not common in other products or is not valued by other products. Still, SoonFasting emphasizes motivation and a sense of purpose during intermittent fasting. I received inspirational and positive push notifications from the app, which helped me maintain motivation as I pursued long-term health and fitness goals. SoonFasting also integrates member interaction built in. I shared fasting milestones with my colleagues, sent and received motivational messages, and kept on track through a game-like experience. Harnessing motivational interactions and collaborative competitions in the community helps my colleagues and me to focus on progress and accomplishments, gain confidence, and reinforce the effect of weight loss through positive feedback loops.
Intermittent fasting is more like a lifestyle for me.
Cravings haunted me during the fasting window in the first few days but never disturbed me since I got accustomed to the fasting lifestyle.
I feel more energetic during the daytime, and at night I sleep better.
I became more confident and enjoyed looking in mirrors again. I'm thrilled and proud to see the changes.
Are fasting and SoonFasting useful for everyone?
I don't know. But I believe you will get the answer after you really practice it.
I have dropped 25 pounds with the intermittent fasting approach and the SoonFasting app. I cannot promise that they will be effective for everyone. But it's different from what I have tried before.
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