Aberrus Overview – Everything You Need to Know About the Raid

Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible is the second raid of the WoW Dragonflight expansion in WoW located in Zaralak Cavern. The raid features nine bosses and has four difficulties: LFR, Normal, Heroic, and Mythic. There is also a quest in the raid called "Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: Sarkareth," and it tasks players with eliminating Scalecommander Sarkareth and grants them an Enchanted Wyrm's Shadowflame Crest for their endeavors. Keep reading to know more about Aberrus - from including its location and unlocking to loot and tier sets. If you want to equip your character with the top PvE gear effortlessly, you can always order Aberrus mythic boost from WowVendor professional boosters.
Unlocking Aberrus - Key Requirements
In order to unlock Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible raid in WoW Dragonflight, you need to meet the following requirements:
Have a character at level 70
Complete the attunement questline for the Dragonflight expansion
Complete the first raid of the expansion, the Obsidian Citadel
Have a raid group of 10-30 players
Once you meet these requirements, you can enter the raid by traveling to Zaralak Cavern. The Raid Finder version of Aberrus will open in wings. There are four of them in total, with a new one being unlocked every two weeks.
How to Get to Aberrus in WoW Dragonflight?
To reach Aberrus in WoW Dragonflight, you need to make your way to the northern part of Zaralek Cavern, precisely located at coordinates 48.46, 10.35. You can reach the said location by navigating through the tunnels from the Dragon Isles. Here are the coordinates for key points along the way:
Zaralek Cavern entrance: Located between Thaldraszus and Ohn'ahran Plains, at coordinates 89.29
Old Loam tunnel: Found at the south of Ohn'ahran Plains, at coordinates 36.59
Three-Falls Lookout: Situated in the Azure Span, at coordinates 19.23
Once you have arrived at Zaralek Cavern successfully, mount your Dragonriding drake and proceed to the Aberrus Approach, which is located at the northernmost part of the map. There, at coordinates 48.46, 10.35, you will discover the entrance to the raid. It is within this entrance that you can finally confront Neltharion's forgotten experiments and face off against Scalecommander Sarkareth.
Recommended iLvl for Aberrus
There is no go-all-recommended ilvl for Aberrus. It varies depending on the difficulty level. For the majority of active raiding guilds, the minimum ilvl requirement is usually not an issue. Their members are typically well-equipped and capable of tackling the initial bosses, especially with Normal difficulty. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that a minimum ilvl requirement does exist when queuing with the Raid Finder. Here are the recommendations for each difficulty:
LFR: minimum ilvl of 390
Normal Difficulty: ilvl 405-444
Heroic Difficulty: ilvl 428-437
Mythic Difficulty: ilvl 441-450
It's important to note that these are only recommendations, and having a higher ilvl than the recommended ilvl can make the raid easier. Additionally, players can trade items with small restrictions while inside the raid, allowing them to share loot and improve their gear.

Aberrus Raid Bosses
There is a total of nine bosses in the raid that you have to compete with. Among them, you will encounter the mighty Elementium Dragon named Kazzara, witness the aftermath of failed Dracthyr experiments, face the monstrous chimera known as Magmorax, and even confront an Echo of Neltharion himself:
Experimentation of Dracthyr
Zaqali Invasion
Echo of Neltharion
Scalecommander Sarkareth
Once you successfully defeat the initial boss, Kazzara, you have the option to tackle two separate wings. Each consists of three bosses, and upon completing them, you will finally face off against the formidable Scalecommander Sarkareth and Echo of Neltharion.

Overview of Gear Dropping in Aberrus
The gear that drops from the nine bosses is divided into four ranks, with the item level increasing slightly every 2-3 bosses. Tier Tokens will be dropped as Tier Set pieces from six bosses, such as Scalecommander Sarkareth, Neltharion, Magmorax, The Forgotten Experiments, Zskarn, and Rashok. As before, the level difference between the modes is 13 points. Here are the levels of the main loot in all bosses at different difficulty levels of the raid.
Raid Finder:
Bosses 1-3 - 402
Bosses 4-5 - 405
Bosses 6-7 - 408
Bosses 8-9 - 411
Normal Difficulty:
Bosses 1-3 - 415
Bosses 4-5 - 418
Bosses 6-7 - 421
Bosses 8-9 - 424
Heroic Difficulty:
Bosses 1-3 - 428
Bosses 4-5 - 431
Bosses 6-7 - 434
Bosses 8-9 - 437
Mythic Difficulty:
Bosses 1-3 - 441
Bosses 4-5 - 444
Bosses 6-7 - 447
Bosses 8-9 - 450
Also, raid items of similar ilvls can be obtained from the Great Vault by defeating 3/5/7 bosses.
Very Rare Item Drops
Very Rare items are coming back to the loot pack in WoW's Aberrus. Most bosses in the raid have very rare loot with special effects and 6-7 points increased level on each item. Very rare items have a lower drop rate and are more powerful than other options at their respective gear slots. Therefore, they are of the greatest value.
Aberrus comes with six Very Rare items to the game, with raiders having a chance to progress more smoothly and dive deeper into the raid over time:
Screaming Black Dragonscale: ilvl - 421; drop rate - 21,96%; dropped by Kazarra, the Hellforged
Djaruun, Pillar of the Elder Flame: ilvl - 424; drop rate - 17,06%; dropped by Rashok
Neltharion's Call to Suffering: ilvl - 431; requires level 70; dropped by Echo of Neltharion
Neltharion's Call to Chaos: ilvl - 431; requires level 70; dropped by Echo of Neltharion
Neltharion's Call to Dominance: ilvl - 431; requires level 70; dropped by Echo of Neltharion
Voice of the Silent Star: ilvl - 431; requires level 70; dropped by Scalecommander Sarkareth
The collection of six Very Rare items is categorized based on their respective gear slots, consisting of four Trinkets, one Polearm, and one Cloak. Certain classes will have exclusive access to specific Very Rare items, including three Trinkets specific to the class that can be obtained from the penultimate boss in the raid - Echo of Neltharion.
The developers have reduced the frequency of set items from raid loot either immediately with the opening of the Respawn Catalyst or shortly after it. This is done to ensure that set items, which are no longer needed late in the season, do not interfere with loot and do not replace regular pieces for those who decide to start playing actively later and hunt for accessories or weapons.
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