It was a chaotic hearing on Friday for the House Oversight Committee as Democrats Jasmine Crockett and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez had a shouting match against Marjorie Taylor Greene, the controversial Republican congresswoman from Georgia.

The two Democrats traded heated insults with Greene in a chaotic hearing about a contempt of Congress resolution against Attorney General Merrick Garland as Republican House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer of Kentucky failed to control the situation for over an hour.

The hearing actually started out in a very civil manner. However, it devolved into chaos as soon as Greene hurled personal insults against Crockett, claiming that the Texas Democrat was wearing "fake eyelashes." Of course, the fiery freshman congresswoman fired back, with AOC joining in on the shouting match as Comer struggled to control his committee.

"I don't think you know what you're here for," said Greene in the statement that led to the argument. "I think your fake eyelashes are messing up what you're reading."

Crockett fired back by asking Comer a parliamentary inquiry that was also a subtle jab at Greene, telling the Republican chair that having "a bleach-blonde, bad-built, butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?"

According to Politico, Comer looked very confused at the question, asking, "Uh, what now? I have no idea what you just said." This escalated into a shouting match along party lines. The argument was ultimately called "disgusting," "embarrassing," and a "middle school fight."

Marjorie Taylor Greene's Attack on Jasmine Crockett Had Racial Undertones

While many lawmakers were not happy with the exchange between the two sides, others stated that Crockett had every right to shoot back at Greene as her barb at the Democrat's physical appearance had racial undertones.

READ MORE: Marjorie Taylor Greene Calling Lauren Boebert a Wh*re to Other Republicans as Feud With Colorado Rep. Continues

"She is racist. I mean, I don't have any questions about that. Because, I mean, I don't know that she's ever attacked her own colleagues," said Crockett after the House Oversight Committee hearing. "Her and Boebert aren't getting along. Boebert has clip-ins in her hair. And Boebert wears lashes, too, sometimes - it looks like. I don't know. But she doesn't attack her for any of her [physical embellishments]. She doesn't do that, right? But she decided to do it to me. So absolutely [she's a racist]."

This alluded to Greene's fractured relationship with Lauren Boebert, whom she did not insult the same way as Crockett despite doing what Greene insinuated Crockett was doing. The two MAGA Republicans got into a massive fight inside the Capitol several times and have hurled very personal insults against one another as well.

Lauren Boebert Shocks Many During Chaotic House Oversight Committee Hearing

Ultimately, the Democrats lost the vote along party lines, but the result was overshadowed by the chaos that was started by Marjorie Taylor Greene. However, Greene's archnemesis, within her own party, Lauren Boebert, shocked many when she actually voted with the Democrats against the resolution to let the Georgia Republican continue speaking.

"It was embarrassing what was going on," said the Colorado Republican. "...I couldn't bring myself to stand in defense of that, I wouldn't do it for the other side."

READ MORE: Marjorie Taylor Greene Might Get Censured for Racism and Anti-Semitism

This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written by: Rick Martin

WATCH: Wow! Boebert SILENCES Marjorie Taylor Greene on House Floor - MeidasTouch