After getting loudly booed and heckled at the Libertarian Party's National Convention, Donald Trump suffered a humiliating defeat, with only six people voting for him. Meanwhile, Robert F. Kennedy did a little better but was still eliminated during the first round with just 15 votes.

The former president was trying to court the libertarians as he gears up for what should be a close race against President Joe Biden in November. However, he only received 0.65 percent of the vote for the party's presidential nominee and was only a write-in candidate as he failed to register as a nominee for the party.

The Libertarian Party is often considered a more extreme version of the Republican Party as it supports civil liberties and capitalism free from government supervision even more than the GOP. It is currently the third-largest American political party by voter registration, but its base is still rather small, only garnering around 3 percent of the national vote.

Despite this, in a tight race against Biden, Trump still needed them, but members of the party made their feelings about him known last Sunday, as they essentially booed him out of the nomination. A bitter Trump still claimed he would have gotten the nomination if he had registered and his name was on the ballot. The party's electors, some of whom clashed with MAGA supporters at the event, say otherwise.

"The reason I didn't file paperwork for the Libertarian Nomination, which I would have absolutely gotten if I wanted it (as everyone could tell by the enthusiasm of the Crowd last night!), was the fact that, as the Republican Nominee, I am not allowed to have the Nomination of another Party," he posted in yet another Truth Social rant. "Regardless, I believe I will get a Majority of the Libertarian Votes."

Meanwhile, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. got a friendlier reception during the party's convention on Friday as he attacked both Trump and Biden. Despite this, he only received 15 votes and was eliminated along with Trump during the first round of voting,

READ MORE: Donald Trump Savagely Booed During Libertarian Convention, Called 'Wannabe Dictator'

Donald Trump Tried To Gaslight Libertarians During Party's Convention While Getting Booed

Trump was clearly irked by the reception he got, while rival Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was received much better than him. In response to the boos, Trump reminded the crowd of their party's history of losing, saying, "What's the purpose of the Libertarian Party of getting 3 percent?"

"You should nominate Trump for president only if you want to win," Trump added, but the libertarian crowd only pushed back, calling him a liar and a panderer, according to Politico.

Who Won the Libertarian Party Nomination and Defeated Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.?

As for who the Libertarian Party eventually chose as their nominee, they chose Georgia activist Chase Oliver, who unsuccessfully ran for US Congress and the US Senate previously. He defeated giants like Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for the nomination despite being a relative unknown.

"We did it! I am officially the presidential nominee," he said on X. "It's time to unify and move forward for liberty."

He will be expected to campaign on major cuts to the federal budget, balancing the budget, the abolition of the death penalty, the closure of all overseas military bases, and ending military support to Israel and Ukraine, according to the Associated Press.

READ MORE: Donald Trump, Fox News Ridiculed for Overreaction to FBI Standard Protocol, Claiming Joe Biden Wanted Him Assassinated

This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written by: Rick Martin

WATCH: Watch Trump react to getting booed at Libertarian convention - CNN