After the jury ended the first day of deliberations without a decision on the Donald Trump porn star hush money trial, the former president continued to whine about the trial, likening himself to Mother Teresa before launching into a rant about Robert De Niro lambasting him outside of the courthouse the day before. As expected, this earned him some ridicule from Jimmy Kimmel.

Trump claimed that the whole trial was "rigged" and that even Mother Teresa would not escape conviction. Kimmel pointed out that evidence actually showed he did illegally pay off a porn star and covered it up, so this was why the former president is now standing in a criminal trial.

"Yeah, even if Mother Teresa herself had sex with and paid off a porn star after a round of golf, even she would have been getting away with it," Kimmel quipped. "Mother Teresa has been dead for 27 years... thanks to the corrupt New York Attorney General!"

Kimmel also touched on Trump's whining about Robert De Niro. The former president was backed by his son, Don Jr., who claimed that the Oscar winner "needs attention because it's been a while since he's cranked out a good movie."

However, Kimmel pointed out that "First of all, Robert De Niro was nominated for an Oscar two months ago. And secondly, your father also had one actor at the trial and that actor was Joe Piscopo. Even Joe Piscopo would tell you, you lost that one."

The comedian, who was the only late-night comedian on as the others were on break, also poked fun at Trump allies wanting a hung jury and Melania never showing up in support of her husband, who cheated on her with a porn star shortly after she gave birth.

"Trump is hoping for a hung jury course he was also hoping for a hung Mike Pence but that didn't happen," Kimmel jokes. This referred to Donald Trump supporters wanting to hang his then-Vice President Mike Pence.

Jury Made Several Requests During Day 1 of the Donald Trump Trial Deliberations

Meanwhile, inside the courthouse, the jury made several requests, and the first one was related to David Pecker's testimony on Trump's 2016 phone call. This was according to the transcript obtained by NBC News.

READ MORE: Donald Trump Hush Money Trial: Prosecutors, Defense Deliver Closing Arguments

Meanwhile, the second request was about Pecker's testimony regarding life rights for Karen McDougal's story. The third request was about Michael Cohen's testimony regarding Trump Tower meeting with Pecker.

Pecker testified that he used catch-and-kill schemes to stop negative stories about Donald Trump, including paying off women he slept with. This was all an effort to help the Trump campaign. However, he refused to pay off Stormy Daniels, leading to Cohen being the one to pay the porn star off. While hush money in itself is not illegal, the subsequent cover-up and the falsifying of business records to cover their tracks are.

Donald Trump Porn Star Hush Money Trial All Rests in the Hands of the Jury

Prosecutors have made it clear that Trump's actions have violated New York election law where it is illegal for two or more conspirators "to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means."

However, Trump's fate, and the nation's, all rests in the hands of the jurors who all must be unanimous in their decision. However, the Associated Press has pointed out that they do not have to be unanimous on what unlawful thing he did.

Judge Juan Merchan has instructed the jury that they must "assess witness testimony, including its plausibility, its consistency with other testimony, the witness' manner on the stand and whether the person has a motive to lie," adding that "there is no particular formula for evaluating the truthfulness and accuracy of another person's statement."

READ MORE: Donald Trump Suffers Humiliating Defeat With Only 6 Votes as Libertarian Party Rejects Him

This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written by: Rick Martin

WATCH: Trump Trial in Jury's Hands, De Niro Blasts Donald & "Right in the Butt" Wheel of Fortune Contestant - Jimmy Kimmel Live