Donald Trump is officially a convicted felon after a New York jury found him guilty of all 34 counts that he was accused of in the porn star hush money trial. How did people, including President Joe Biden, Trump's Republican allies and sycophants, and other politicians react to this piece of history?

As expected, the pro-Trump wing of the Republican party quickly tried to rally around the former president, many of them already attacking the justice system after Trump was found to be guilty. This includes House Speaker Mike Johnson.

In a statement, Speaker Johnson while what he described as "the weaponization of our justice system," adding, "President Trump will rightfully appeal this absurd verdict - and he WILL WIN."

Potential Trump vice presidential pick, Elise Stefanik, the House GOP Conference chair and New York state representative, tried to appeal to her dear leader by calling it a "sham trial" in a statement that read, "We must redouble our efforts and work around the clock to ensure President Trump is victorious this November to save America from Biden's failed Far Left Democrat agenda."

Other Republican candidates running for this year's elections are also lining up to defend him, with many, including Montana candidate Tim Sheely, repeating Trump's unfounded claims that the trial was "rigged."

Meanwhile, Arizona candidate and MAGA stalwart Kari Lake whined that Americans had "just witnessed the most egregious example of election interference and an outright mockery of the rule of law in the 246-year history of our Republic. This entire process right down to the verdict itself has been nothing but a shameful political stunt."

Joe Biden and Democrats React to Donald Trump Guilty Verdict

As Republicans whined and cried, the Biden Campaign did not mince its words and slammed the former president, with Biden Campaign spokesperson Michael Tyler saying in a statement, "In New York today, we saw that no one is above the law."

READ MORE: Donald Trump Guilty on All Counts in Porn Star Hush Money Case

"There is still only one way to keep Donald Trump out of the Oval Office: at the ballot box," he added. "A second Trump term means chaos, ripping away Americans' freedoms and fomenting political violence - and the American people will reject it this November."

Meanwhile, Biden himself has been tight-lipped. While his campaign attacked Trump, the White House counsel spokesperson, Ian Simms, simply noted, "We respect the rule of law, and have no additional comment."

Meanwhile, a chorus of criticism directed to Trump has also come from Democrats, with Rep. Adam Schiff of California saying, "Despite his efforts to distract, delay, and deny - justice arrived for Donald Trump all the same."

How Did Average Americans React to Donald Trump Being Found Guilty?

Meanwhile, average everyday Americans sounded off on the history-making verdict in New York, telling The New York Times how they felt about it.

"My first initial thought was joy, because it's been going on for so long, just waiting for some sort of justice," said Ashley Daniels, 38, from Los Angeles, California. "But I feel a little amazed, when I looked it up, that he actually can still run for president now that he's been convicted for 34 felonies. Like you can get denied for regular-Joe jobs, but you can be president for 34 felonies. It's kind of crazy. But I'm hoping we're moving in a good direction."

"I'm glad to see it," added Regina Ponder of Scottsdale, Arizona. "Are they going to lock him up, though?"

"If he was a Black guy, they wouldn't be going through what they're going through now," Tyree Fleming of Brown Deer, Wisconsin told the AP. "If he wasn't rich, he wouldn't be going through what he was going through now. If I'm going to vote for a gangster, I may as well go out on the street and find one."

Robbi Warren of Atlanta, Georgia stated. "Today it's not about Black or white, rich or poor, it's about if you commit a crime, you need to be held accountable."

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This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written by: Rick Martin

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