Liberal actor Robert De Niro's critical comments against former President Donald Trump have cost him an honor from the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB).

The prestigious NAB Leadership Foundation's Service to America Award, slated to be awarded to De Niro, has been rescinded following his vocal anti-Trump stance during a press conference, Fox News reports.

The NAB, known for its bipartisan stance, rescinded the award considering De Niro's recent activities, which they feared would overshadow the philanthropic purpose of the event.

"While we strongly support the right of every American to exercise free speech and participate in civic engagement, it is clear that Mr. De Niro's recent high-profile activities will create a distraction from the philanthropic work that we were hoping to recognize," the NAB spokesperson resumed. "To maintain the focus on service of the award winners, Mr. De Niro will no longer be attending the event."

While acknowledging De Niro's right to free speech, an NAB spokesperson emphasized the need to maintain focus on the charitable work of award recipients.

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De Niro's Anti-Trump Tirade

Robert De Niro's criticism of Trump reached a peak when he attended a press conference sponsored by the Biden campaign outside Trump's Manhattan trial.

During the event, De Niro labeled Donald Trump as a "danger" to Americans and criticized his impact on New York City and the nation.

Despite the NAB award's rescindment, De Niro remained unapologetic, expressing gratitude for the Foundation's work while continuing to voice his opposition to Trump's policies and actions.

De Niro's outspokenness against Trump extended to the former president's historic felony conviction, where he labeled the verdict as justice served, according to the Independent.

Following Trump's historic felony conviction on 34 counts related to concealing hush money payments to a porn star, De Niro expressed his opinions on the matter.

Labeling Trump as "crazy" and a threat to the country, De Niro reiterated his commitment to speaking out against what he perceives as destructive actions.

De Niro's Concerns and Fears

Robert De Niro admitted to concerns about his safety due to his vocal criticism of Donald Trump but remained steadfast in his determination to resist intimidation.

Despite potential risks, De Niro emphasized the importance of standing up against threats to democracy and holding public figures accountable for their actions.

Robert De Niro's feud with Donald Trump began before the 2016 presidential election.

The actor has used speeches at awards shows and political events to criticize Trump's policies and actions.

Their exchanges have often sparked heated reactions from Trump, Variety noted.

At the 2018 Tony Awards, De Niro famously exclaimed "f*** Trump" on stage, prompting a flurry of tweets from Trump, who called De Niro "a very Low IQ individual" and mocked his acting career.

Recently, De Niro spoke at a Democratic event, accusing Trump of evading justice and insisting that he belongs in jail.

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This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written by: Ross Key

WATCH: Actor Robert De Niro loses award after heated press conference near Trump trial - From Straight Arrow News