Alex Jones has often portrayed himself as a manly man, but when his Info Wars conspiracy theory show was almost shut down, he began weeping and crying, prompting the judge overseeing his bankruptcy case to hand the Sandy Hook shooting denier a lifeline.

The families of the Sandy Hook children killed in the horrific shooting that Jones denies ever happened won several lawsuits against him and juries have handed them some massive rewards. Because of this, the conspiracy theorist has declared bankruptcy but the families have repeatedly called him out for his lavish lifestyle.

The Sandy Hook families have gone after Jones's show and it is now facing an imminent shutdown by the federal government because of this. However, after Jones appeared to cry at points during one of his "emergency broadcasts" to whine about his company going under, a judge allowed Jones to keep operating for the next two weeks as the issue of whether his assets should be liquidated is still being decided.

Jones and his company, Free Speech Systems, were ordered d to pay $1.5 billion to the Sandy Hook families and Jones has been trying to reorganize his assets after declaring bankruptcy. However, the Sandy Hook families filed an emergency motion to convert Free Speech Systems' bankruptcy reorganization into liquidation, leading to Jones crying on air about losing his company.

Judge Christopher Lopez stated that he will address the motion on June 14 and he will be expected to decide whether or not to liquidate Jones and his company's assets on that date.

As Jones was rallying his followers and begging the judge, Christopher Mattei, a lawyer for the Sandy Hook families, shot back, claiming that the conspiracy theorist was "manufacturing a crisis" about the threat of being shut down imminently.

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Sandy Hook Families Also Going After Alex Jones's Ranch

The families of the Sandy Hook Massacre are not just going after Alex Jones's show, but also his 127-acre plot of land valued at least $2.8 million. In other words, the families are also going after his prized ranch in Texas.

A judge ruled that Jones could sell his 127-acre ranch to help pay off the Sandy Hook victims' families as his other assets also face liquidation.

Republican strategist Steve Bannon, who is about to head to prison, suggested that Info Wars supporters can surround the building where Alex Jones's studio is and protect it from authorities who must "come through a chain of patriots."

Alex Jones Files for Chapter 7 Liquidation

Despite trying to sound defiant in front of his supporters who he convinced that he would stand up to the government, Jones has now asked a US judge to convert his bankruptcy into a Chapter 7 liquidation.

According to Reuters, this is a sign that he is "giving up on an effort to settle massive legal judgments related to his lies about the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre."

In the filing, Jones stated that he believed that "there is no reasonable prospect of a successful reorganization" of his debts. If approved, the Chapter 7 liquidation would not allow him to "escape paying the legal judgments, but it offers a streamlined procedure for selling his assets under the supervision of a court-appointed trustee."

READ MORE: Sandy Hook Controversy: Alex Jones' Wild Spending Criticized Amid Non-Payment To Conspiracy Theory Victims

This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written by: Rick Martin

WATCH: Oh No! Alex Jones Can't Use Bankruptcy to Avoid the Sandy Hook Judgments - LegalEagle