New York's highest court has decided not to hear former President Donald Trump's appeal regarding the gag order in his hush money case.

The decision, posted on Tuesday, means that Judge Juan Merchan's gag order against Trump remains in place.

Trump, convicted of 34 counts of business fraud related to hush money payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels, had requested the termination of the gag order before his sentencing scheduled for July, according to CNN.

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Court Rejects Trump's Bid to Lift Gag Order

The New York appeals court rejected Donald Trump's attempt to lift the gag order, stating that no substantial constitutional question was directly involved.

Judge Merchan had imposed the Trump gag order, preventing the former president from discussing witnesses and the case after the trial concluded.

Despite Trump's appeals, the court upheld Merchan's decision, citing the need to maintain order and fairness in the legal proceedings.

Trump's lawyers argued that the gag order infringed upon his First Amendment rights and hindered his ability to campaign for the 2024 presidential election, Fox News reports.

However, the court's rejection of Trump's appeal means that the gag order remains in effect, much to the disappointment of his legal team and supporters.

Chief Justice Recuses from Hearing Trump's Appeal

Chief Justice Rowan Wilson of the New York appeals court abstained from participating in Donald Trump's gag order appeal.

The court declined to hear Trump's appeal, stating that no significant constitutional questions were at stake.

Chief Justice Wilson's decision not to partake in the ruling was due to potential conflicts of interest, as Judge Merchan, who imposed the Trump gag order, is represented by an attorney employed by the state's Unified Court System.

In addition to Chief Justice Wilson, Judge Caitlin Halligan also recused herself from the decision-making process, Newsweek noted.

Halligan had previously served as counsel to the Manhattan District Attorney's Office in a related matter involving Trump in 2020.

With these recusals, the court decided to maintain the gag order on Trump.

With the court's refusal to lift the gag order, Trump remains restricted from speaking about jurors, witnesses, prosecutors, and court staff involved in the hush money case.

Despite the conclusion of the trial, the gag order remains in place, raising concerns among Trump's legal team and supporters about its impact on his political activities and free speech rights.

Trump's attorneys have argued that the gag order violates his fundamental right to political speech, particularly during a presidential campaign.

They emphasized the need for unrestrained campaign advocacy by Trump, especially considering comments made by President Biden and ongoing public attacks against Trump by various individuals involved in the case.

However, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's office has defended the gag order, asserting that it is necessary to maintain the integrity of the legal proceedings and prevent any potential harm to the fairness of the trial.

Despite the former president's appeals, the court has upheld the Donald Trump gag order, reinforcing the importance of preserving order and fairness in the judicial process.

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This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written by: Ross Key

WATCH: New York's highest court leaves gag order in effect in Trump hush money case - From CBS New York