Following a recent incident where his wife, Terry Mandel, was injured in a Las Vegas hotel room, Howie Mandel is coming forward to give a detailed explanation of what really happened.

Contrary to initial speculation, it wasn't the influence of alcohol that led to Terry's fall but rather the unforeseen effects of consuming marijuana-infused gummies, according to the New York Post.

In an exclusive conversation with TMZ, Howie Mandel, 68, shed light on the circumstances surrounding his wife's accident, seeking to dispel any misconceptions.

He adamantly refuted claims suggesting that Howie Mandel wife was intoxicated with alcohol, emphasizing that her altered state was a result of ingesting marijuana gummies.

Detailing the events of that fateful night, Mandel recounted how Terry, amid a nighttime stupor induced by the gummies, ventured out of bed while fast asleep.

This seemingly innocuous decision spiraled into a calamitous fall, resulting in Terry sustaining significant injuries, including a severe head wound.

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The Startling Discovery

Upon awakening to the commotion, Howie Mandel was confronted with a scene of distress, as he found Terry lying amid a pool of blood, her injuries starkly evident.

Despite his initial characterization of Terry's condition as "tipsy" during an appearance on "Live With Kelly and Mark," Mandel clarified that her impairment stemmed from the consumption of marijuana-infused products, CNN reports.

Reacting swiftly to the emergency, Mandel sprang into action, employing makeshift measures to staunch the bleeding and provide immediate aid to his injured wife.

The gravity of the situation necessitated prompt medical attention, prompting Terry's swift transport to the hospital for urgent treatment.

Howie Mandel wife has since made a remarkable recovery from her ordeal, with no lingering scars or lasting impairments.

Despite the initial shock and upheaval caused by the incident, Mandel maintains a steadfast resolve, buoyed by the relief of his wife's recuperation and grateful for the timely intervention that ensured her well-being.

Addressing Misconceptions

Expressing dismay over the misinterpretation of events by certain media outlets, Mandel is determined to set the record straight and rectify any inaccuracies in the portrayal of Terry's fall, TMZ noted.

By elucidating the true nature of the incident, he hopes to dispel any lingering misconceptions and offer a more accurate depiction of the circumstances.

After this troubling incident, Howie Mandel and his wife now value each day more, understanding life's fragility and cherishing every moment together.

Their shared resilience and unwavering humor serve as pillars of strength as they navigate the aftermath of Terry's accident.

As the dust settles and the Mandels emerge from this ordeal with a renewed perspective, their story is a testament to the power of resilience, love, and laughter in overcoming life's unexpected challenges.

With Terry's recovery as a beacon of hope, they forge ahead with optimism and gratitude for each new day's blessings.

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This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written by: Ross Key

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