Donald Trump has chosen his vice president for the upcoming presidential election 2024 but hasn't revealed the name.

Speaking to NBC News before a Philadelphia rally, Trump confirmed his decision but kept it secret, according to the Independent.

Hinted the Trump running mate might appear at the first presidential debate against Joe Biden or be announced at the Republican National Convention.

Speculation is high, with potential candidates including North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, Senators Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, and JD Vance.

Rubio is a strong contender, but Burgum is also a top choice. Other potential picks include Byron Donalds, Ben Carson, Tom Cotton, and Elise Stefanik.

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Timing of the Announcement

Donald Trump's campaign is debating whether to announce his vice-presidential pick before or after his sentencing for his conviction last month on 34 felony counts related to his hush-money case.

The sentencing is scheduled for July 11, just days before the Republican National Convention, where Trump is expected to be officially nominated, per TIME.

In 2016, Trump selected Mike Pence, a conservative who helped broaden his appeal among traditional Republicans.

It remains to be seen if Trump will adopt a similar strategy this time or focus on solidifying his MAGA base.

Trump's senior adviser, Brian Hughes, stated that the campaign's main criterion for selecting a running mate is finding a strong leader who could serve as president after Trump's term.

Despite hints that the Trump vice president might appear at the upcoming debate, Trump has suggested that the official announcement will be made at the Republican National Convention in mid-July.

Potential Candidates and Their Prospects

Eight candidates are being vetted for Trump vice presidential pick: Senators Tim Scott, JD Vance, and Marco Rubio; Governors Doug Burgum and Kristi Noem; Representatives Byron Donalds and Elise Stefanik; and former HUD Secretary Ben Carson, Politico noted.

Tim Scott

Pros: Scott is a Black evangelical, effective fundraiser, and has a compelling life story.

Cons: Struggles under pressure and has unclear positions on key issues.

JD Vance

Pros: Strong media presence, elite credentials, military background, and fundraising ability.

Cons: Past criticism of Trump and controversial stance on abortion.

Marco Rubio

Pros: Establish credibility, fluency in Spanish, strong foreign policy knowledge, and appeals to Hispanic voters.

Cons: Residency issues with Trump and a history of faltering under pressure.

Elise Stefanik

Pros: Loyal to Trump, strong House performance, and appeals to suburban women.

Cons: Young age and relative inexperience.

Byron Donalds

Pros: Rising star, visible Trump supporter, and appeals to Black voters.

Cons: New to national politics, less polished, and faces Florida residency issue.

Doug Burgum

Pros: Vice-presidential bearing, wealthy businessman background.

Cons: Lacks national recognition and excitement.

Ben Carson

Pros: Strong reputation among Black voters and evangelicals, inspiring life story, Cabinet-level experience.

Cons: Age, soft-spoken nature, and Florida residency issue.

Tom Cotton

Pros: Trusted advisor on foreign affairs, strong ties to major donors.

Cons: Hawkish foreign policy views and lacks demographic advantages.

As the Republican National Convention nears, the decision on Donald Trump running mate will significantly influence the presidential election 2024.

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This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written by: Ross Key

WATCH: Trump says he's made VP pick, hasn't told anyone yet - From CNN