On Monday, June 24, 2024, four hundred Elite Kenya police officers engaged in an exercise in readiness for their upcoming deployment to Haiti.

The event, graced by President William Ruto, saw Deputy Police Inspector General Noor Gabow affirming the officers' readiness.

A preliminary team from Kenya arrived in Port-au-Prince on the same day to pave the way for the imminent arrival of the contingent of elite Kenya police.

The officers, departing Nairobi on Monday evening, were expected to land in Port-au-Prince by Tuesday, pending security assessments due to the volatile situation in Haiti, according to the Miami Herald.

The State Department confirmed the impending arrival of the Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission, aimed at bolstering Haiti's efforts against criminal armed gangs.

State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller stressed the need to restore security and prosperity in Haiti.

The country has not held general elections since 2016, and Haiti gang violence has led to rising hunger, affecting nearly half the population.

Kenyan President William Ruto received assurance from police leadership regarding the readiness and preparation of the deployed officers.

Deputy Police Inspector General Noor Gabow affirmed the officers' proficiency and equipped status, highlighting their provision of individual first aid kits, armor, and appropriate footwear for extended operations.

President Ruto expressed confidence in Kenya's peacekeeping legacy and commitment to restoring stability in Haiti.

READ NEXT: Haiti Police Leaders Meet Kenya Inspector General Ahead of Deployment 

US Support and Concerns Over Haiti's Security Situation

US President Joe Biden commended Kenya's leadership in the multinational effort during President Ruto's recent visit to Washington.

While the United States pledged $300 million to the force, Biden underscored concerns about potential misrepresentation and complications arising from direct American troop involvement in Haiti, AP News reports.

The security situation in Haiti remains dire, with over 2,500 casualties in the first quarter of 2024 and widespread displacement due to escalating Haiti gang violence.

Recent allegations of Kenya police misconduct during anti-government protests raised concerns about potential repercussions in Haiti.

Despite the urgent need for intervention, hurdles such as funding shortages and legal disputes have plagued the mission's implementation.

Republican opposition in Washington, exemplified by Senator Jim Risch's reservations, adds complexity to the initiative.

Risch criticized the mission's planning process and lack of clear objectives, highlighting historical failures of international interventions in Haiti.

Mission Risks and Ongoing Efforts

Analysts and diplomats caution against repeating failures in Haiti, citing previous interventions' limited efficacy and unintended consequences.

Emmanuela Douyon of the Haitian think-tank Policité emphasizes the need to avoid replicating ineffective strategies.

Funding constraints and legal obstacles have delayed the mission, prompting concerns about its viability and potential impact on Haitian civilians, Aljazeera noted.

Following Prime Minister Ariel Henry's resignation amid escalating Haiti gang violence, efforts to stabilize the country include political transitions facilitated by the Biden administration and regional partners.

Newly appointed Prime Minister Garry Conille aims to address security concerns and facilitate the mission's deployment.

Collaborative agreements, such as the Status of Force Agreement signed with the Organization of American States, seek to establish legal frameworks for the mission's operations.

As Kenya prepares to deploy its police contingent to Haiti, international support and concerns underscore the complex nature of restoring stability in the troubled nation.

While diplomatic efforts and regional partnerships aim to address security challenges, skepticism persists regarding intervention's effectiveness and potential risks.

Amid ongoing debates and logistical hurdles, the urgent need to alleviate suffering and restore order in Haiti remains a pressing global concern.

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This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written by: Ross Key

WATCH: Kenya : Ruto bids farewell to Haiti bound-police - From FRANCE 24 English