On Monday morning, tensions flared between a spokesperson for former President Donald Trump's campaign and CNN host Kasie Hunt, setting the stage for a contentious debate just days before Trump faces off against President Joe Biden on the network.

The debate over debate moderators erupted when Karoline Leavitt, Trump's national press secretary, appeared on CNN's "This Morning" to discuss Trump's preparations for the upcoming debate.

The atmosphere quickly turned adversarial as Trump spokesperson Leavitt criticized CNN's choice of moderators, Dana Bash and Jake Tapper, as biased against Trump, according to Politico.

This criticism underscored the Trump campaign's concern about the fairness of the upcoming debate, scheduled to take place in Atlanta later in the week.

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Accusations and Mic Cut

During the interview, Karoline Leavitt accused Bash and Tapper of being "biased" and creating a "hostile environment" for Donald Trump.

She cited what she termed as their history of anti-Trump rhetoric and biased coverage, prompting Hunt to defend her colleagues as seasoned professionals who have interviewed candidates from all political backgrounds.

As the conversation grew more heated, Kasie Hunt intervened, warning Leavitt to refrain from attacking her colleagues.

When Leavitt persisted in her criticisms, Hunt made the decision to cut her microphone, abruptly ending the interview, Fox News reports.

This on-air clash highlighted the stark divisions and mutual distrust between the Trump campaign and CNN, setting a tense tone for the upcoming debate.

In response to the incident, CNN issued a statement defending Bash and Tapper's credentials as respected journalists with extensive experience in political debate moderation.

The network emphasized its commitment to hosting a fair and substantive debate, promising that both candidates, Trump and Biden, would have equal opportunity to present their views during the event.

Preparations and Debate Dynamics

The upcoming CNN-hosted debate, set without a live audience and with moderators empowered to mute microphones, aims to avoid the chaos of past debates and prioritize policy over personal attacks.

For the Donald Trump campaign, the format underscores their accusations of media bias, reflecting Trump's ongoing criticism of mainstream outlets like CNN as "fake news."

Despite tensions, Trump cautiously anticipates fairness from moderators like Jake Tapper, balancing engagement with criticism, which is a hallmark of his media strategy, The Hill noted.

CNN faces this debate amid internal challenges and public scrutiny over journalistic integrity.

The network strives to maintain trust amidst leadership changes and partisan polarization in the media.

The clash highlights the intense stakes of the debate, pivotal in the election cycle, and reflects broader themes of media credibility and political strategy.

As both sides prepare, the event in Atlanta will test CNN's commitment to impartiality while shaping a crucial moment in the campaign.

The outcome will likely resonate beyond the debate night, influencing public perception, electoral strategies, and media dynamics in the fiercely contested presidential race.

READ MORE: Donald Trump Announces Vice President Pick Ahead of Thursday Debate 

This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written by: Ross Key

WATCH: CNN threatens to shut down interview with Trump campaign spokesperson - From Fox News