Victor Muro Velasquez, a renowned Mexican lighting engineer, was murdered in the city of Xalapa, Veracruz, shocking the country's film community. His body was found dismembered in two different locations, sparking outrage among the public and colleagues alike.

Muro Velásquez, 60, had a long career in film and had worked on important productions, such as Roma (2018) by renowned Oscar winner Alfonso Cuarón, El crimen del padre Amaro (2002) by Carlos Carrera, and Los hijos del jaguar (2019) by Arturo Sánchez del Villar. His participation in Roma, which won several Oscars, made him a prominent figure within the local industry.

The discovery and the ensuing controversy

The discovery of his remains was reported on October 7, 2024. Authorities revealed that he knew one of the suspects in the crime. The governor of Veracruz, Cuitláhuac García, confirmed that one person has already been arrested in connection with the case, and investigations are underway to clarify the motives behind this event. A link to organized crime has been ruled out, suggesting that the motive could be related to personal problems.

The statements made by Governor Garcia have generated all kinds of repudiation in social networks, where different users claim that he has minimized Muró's profession, as if that were the priority in the midst of such a dantesque crime.

His body was found in two different places

As the hours went by, investigations led detectives to Poeta Jesús Díaz street, where traces of blood were found in a room. At this location, authorities found a human torso and a head. It was reported that this place had been rented by Víctor Muro Velásquez, the victim, along with three people who allegedly had plans to make a short film.

During the night, three individuals were presented for questioning, but, as time progressed, only one of them was left in the custody.

In addition to his work in film, Victor Muro had recently arrived in Xalapa to offer a workshop on cinematographic lighting at a private school, a regular engagement.

The production company Aluxes, with which Muro Velásquez collaborated, mourned his passing and expressed its condolences through a press release. His co-workers will remember him not only for his professionalism, but also for his human qualities and the teachings he shared on the sets.