"Big Hero 6" is an upcoming 3D superhero film produced by Disney but featuring Marvel characters, Variety reports. It will be the first animated film by Disney that features Marvel superheroes since it acquired Marvel Entertainment back in 2009. There is a comic mini-series by Marvel of the same name.

The story is about Hiro Hamada, a young robotics prodigy, along with his cute companion robot named Beymax.

The entertainment firm recently released the first full-length trailer of its animated action flick where Hiro is seen trying to convince a police officer about the attack of a mysterious villain and his army of "micro-bots" which Hiro defeated with the help of Beymax. Together, they create a team of crime fighters to protect and save the high-tech city of San Fransokyo from the evil villain Yokak, a silent masked man behind the tragedy that struck the city. The Big Hero 6 has only one mission and it is to track down Yokai and bring justice to San Fransokyo.

However, a few details were tweaked from the original story that took place in post-nuclear Japan where the villain was created by the souls of the victims of the atomic bombing, Deadline reports. It was probably a good move for Disney to change that specific detail since the animated film's target is still focused on younger kids.

Ryan Potter ("Supah Ninjas" and "Senior Project") will be voicing the main character Hiro while Baymax will be voiced by Scott Adsit, according to Deadline. Other voice actors for the computer-generated 3D animated film are Jamie Chung, Alan Tudyk, T.J. Miller, Maya Rudolph, Damon Wayans Jr., and James Cromwell. Other seasoned Disney voice actors will once again lend their talent for the upcoming film, namely Chris Williams ("Bolt") and Don Hall ("Winnie the Pooh").

"Big Hero 6" by Walt Disney Pictures is set to be released in theaters on Nov. 7, 2014.