How far would you go to look like a celebrity? One British woman has spent thousands in her attempts to emulate the famous reality star in both style and appearance.

The British morning show "This Morning" aired a segment on Claire Leeson, a 24-year-old Londoner who has spent thousands in her attempt to look just like Kim Kardashian.

According to Time magazine, Leeson has spent around $30,000 to look like the reality TV star, wanting to copy her physical appearance as well as her attire since she already emulates the way she thinks. Her attempt to superficially imitate a person who has founded her fame on her superficiality has led Leeson to multiple surgeries and spray-tan sessions.

Her infatuation with Kim Kardashian began when Leeson first started watching "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" in 2009, reported the New York Daily News. They both have the same number of siblings and seem to have the same problems, according to Leeson, except Kardashian has thousands upon thousands of dollars.

"We have the same kind of arguments and things going on," she told "This Morning." "I thought she was so beautiful, and I really wanted to be like her."

In her attempt to make herself look like Kardashian, Leeson has endured an $8,500 breast augmentation and has spent upwards of $1,700 in spray tans. She has also spent an unreported amount of money in designer clothing. However her expenditures have also plummeted Leeson into debts amounting to $10,000, mostly on credit cards.

However, she will continue her quest to become like her idol and will not stop spending until she achieves it. She currently wears butt padding to mimic Kardashian's rear end but wishes in the future she will be able to get implants.

During her interview she explained that she began changing her appearance due to bullying in her childhood when she was continuously called ugly and that she should commit suicide, according to the Daily News.