On Friday, Selena Gomez recently caught flack from her fans for posting an Instagram photo with the message, "It's about Humanity. Pray for Gaza."

Gomez also included the caption, "Please pray for those families and babies today. Please always remember what's important in life. It's not any of this. We are here to help, inspire and love. Be that change. #wearethenextgeneration."

Fans immediately flooded Gomez's Instagram page with mixed reactions on the "Pray for Gaza" photo.

Some fans praised Gomez for her peaceful stance while others slammed the "Come and Get it" singer for appearing to take sides on the controversial issue.

MTV.com reported one user wrote, "Are you serious Selena?... posting this goes against all your Jewish fans. I am so insulted and disgusted right now."

The New York Daily News reported that another Instagram user wrote, "You're taking advantage of your position because you are famous. ... You don't know what's going in Israel. You support terror, I really loved you until this moment."

One user was among some of Gomez's fans that showed their support, "Never (paid) much attention to Selena before but since this I have gained so much respect for her! #PrayForGaza #PrayForPalestine." [The New York Daily News.]

Following the heated political debate that erupted from Gomez's first photo, she posted another photo to clarify her stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Underneath the second photo, she wrote, "And of course to be clear, I am not picking any sides. I am praying for peace and humanity for all!"

Gomez is among the various celebrities that have spoken out on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

MTV reports, Rihanna and NBA star Dwight Howard also came under fire for tweeting the hashtag #FreePalestine.

Last week, Israeli Prime Minister ordered land, air and sea attacks on Gaza that killed nearly 300 Palestinians and 80 children. The death tolls in the on-going battle between Israel and Palestine continue to rise. [MTV.com]